DaVinci Resolve提供了多种选项,让您可以在视频剪辑中添加、自定义和动画化文本。效果库中的文字标题允许您只需点击几次即可将文本添加到时间线和剪辑中。添加融合标题和关键帧的使用,可以让您的文本通过动态运动展现出生动的效果。当您的项目需要字幕或副标题时,创建一个副标题轨道以完美地反映视频中的口语元素。...
DaVinci Resolve 19 在 Windows 和 Linux 上仅支持单个处理 GPU,在最新的 Mac Pro 上支持 2 个 GPU。 如果您需要支持多 GPU、4K 输出、运动模糊效果、时空降噪、多种基于人工智能的工具、HDR 工具、摄像机追踪器、语音隔离、多种 Resolve 特效、3D 立体工具和远程渲染等功能,请升级到 DaVinci Resolve 19 Stud...
DaVinci Resolve 19新增功能 DaVinci Resolve 19搭载了强大的全新DaVinci Neural Engine AI工具,并对100多项功能进行了大规模升级!新AI工具包括基于文本的时间线剪辑、音乐重混、对白分离以及UltraNR降噪。IntelliTrack AI可让您使用视频跟踪Fairlight音频声像调整。ColorSlice矢量调色和电影风格创建工具提供了更浓郁的调色...
DaVinci Resolve 19 features powerful new DaVinci Neural Engine AI tools and over 100 feature upgrades! New AI tools include text based timeline editing, music remixing, dialogue separation and UltraNR noise reduction. IntelliTrack AI lets you use video to track the Fairlight audio panner. Color...
DaVinciResolveDaVinciResolve Spring2010Manual Theworld’smostpower ulcolorcorrectionnowon LinuxandMac! DaVincicolorcorrectorshavebeenthestandardin postproductionsince1984.Therearethousands o coloristsworldwidewhounderstandthe per ormance,qualityandworkowo DaVinci. ...
DaVinci Resolve is one of the most popular voice isolators. However, there are barriers to getting started with it. If you don't know anything about it, don't worry. After reading the information below, you may know how to use DaVinci Resolve's voice isolation tool. We also provide an...
两项全新 AI 功能可提高视频编辑效率:一是 IntelliTrack AI 点追踪器,用于物体追踪、稳定画面和音频调整;二是 UltraNR,通过 AI 进行空间降噪,且在 GeForce RTX 4090 上的执行速度是 Mac M2 Ultra 的 3 倍。 NVIDIA TensorRT 助力 RTX GPU 对 DaVinci Resolve 的所有 AI 特效进行加速,可将 AI 性能至高提升...
Upgrade from the free to the paid version of DaVinci Resolve Studio 19 and you also get IntelliTrack AI, voice isolation, film look creator, ColorSlice, automatic facial recognition for face refinement tools, temporal and spatial noise reduction, photorealistic optical quality motion effects, lens ...
DaVinci Resolve 达芬奇19的音频AI新功能 在NAB 2024 在拉斯维加斯,Blackmagic Design 宣布推出 DaVinci Resolve 19,这是其核心影视后期软件的一个重大更新,增加了新的人工智能(AI)工具,超过 100 个功能升级,如 IntelliTrack AI、Ultra NR 噪声降低、多源编辑、新的 Fairlight AI 音频定位到视频、压缩器轨道 FX,...
DaVinci Resolve. By accurately learning the noise characteristics, it becomes easier to remove it. In this tutorial, we will utilize the "Noise Reduction" and "Noise Gate" feature in DaVinci Resolve to remove background noises such as wind noise, sound from fans, electricity buzz, and hum,...