在DaVinci Resolve中,你可以使用关键帧来制作动画,从而实现各种动态特效。以下是使用关键帧制作动画的基本步骤:### 1. 添加特效 1. **选择素材**:在编辑界面中,选择你想要添加动态特效的视频或图像素材,并将其拖放到时间线上。2. **应用特效**:在“编辑”(Edit)页面的右侧,选择“特效库”(Effects ...
DaVinci Resolve 19 Cut Page All In One SolutionforPost Production DaVinci Resolve is divided into "pages", each of which gives you a dedicated workspace and tools for a specific task. Editing is done on the cut and edit pages, visual effects and motion graphics on the Fusion page, color...
1. 打开项目并导入素材 打开DaVinci Resolve并加载您的项目。 导入您要使用的素材,将其拖放到“媒体池”(Media Pool)。 2. 创建新的时间线 在“编辑”(Edit)页面,右键点击“媒体池”,选择“时间线”(Timeline)>“新建时间线”(New Timeline)。 设置时间线的名称和参数,然后点击“创建”(Create)。 3. 添加...
3.Setup and Workflows:设置和工作流程,讲解如何配置DaVinci Resolve以及不同工作流程的使用方法。 4.Ingest and Organize Media:导入和组织媒体,说明如何将素材导入软件并进行管理。 5.The Cut Page:快编页面,介绍快编页面的功能和操作方法。 6.Edit:剪辑,讲解如何进行视频剪辑和修剪。 7.Editing Effects and Tran...
DaVinci Resolve 19 Cut Page All In One SolutionforPost Production DaVinci Resolve is divided into "pages", each of which gives you a dedicated workspace and tools for a specific task. Editing is done on the cut and edit pages, visual effects and motion graphics on the Fusion page, color...
提示:如果您使用DaVinci Resolve的用户缓存(user cache)而不是智能缓存(smart cache),您可以右键单击编辑页面(edit page)或调色页面(color page)时间轴中的任何Fusion剪辑片段,并选择Cache Fusion Output(渲染缓存Fusion输出)> On(开启)手动缓存Fusion效果。
了解如何在 DaVinci Resolve 中編輯音訊。了解替代解決方案並回答有關 DaVinci Resolve 音訊功能的常見問題。
在DaVinci Resolve中,通过Edit Page(剪辑页面)可以有效提升剪辑速度,这是一个专注于快速和高效编辑的工作区域。以下是一些方法和技巧,帮助你在Edit Page中提升剪辑速度:1. 快捷键和工具栏 熟悉快捷键: DaVinci Resolve有大量的快捷键可以帮助你加速操作,例如剪辑、选择、调整音频等。通过熟悉常用的快捷键可以大...
Learning how to use DaVinci Resolve to edit videos is a great way to put together professional-standard videos with impressive effects and transitions. Popular among professional editors and hobbyist videographers, it boasts many user-friendly video editing features alongside more advanced processes. ...
Step 4: Add Boris FX Transitions in DaVinci Resolve In the Edit page, select Effects to open the effects library. All Boris FX transitions are under Open FX > Transitions. Preview transitions by hovering the cursor over it. When you find one that you want to add, drag it to the clips...