06-右键单击Fusion Composition(Fusion合成),选择Change Clip Duration(更改剪辑持续时间)。在对话框中,输入10000以创建一个1分钟的剪辑片段,然后单击Change。 诚然,这是较短的演职人员表,但与其让你坐着看完5分钟的演职人员表,而不希望看到电影的片花,这将有助于学习目的。 07-将播放头放置在时间线上的Fusion C...
Change the settings in theInspector Panel, for example, the duration of the transition and any other parameters you wish to alter. DaVinci Resolve’s impressive selection of transitions offers plenty of scope for experimentation. I recommend playing around with these using different types of shots ...
You can quickly add multiple timelinesor clipsto the render queue for batch processing. Simply create each job, click the “Add to Render Queue” button and then start the batch. If you’re working on a network with DaVinci Resolve Studio, you can offload the render to another workstation...
DaVinciResolve16.2快捷键大全 #ResolveCommand+,Command+Option+KCommand+Q #ResolveresolvePreferences:=Command+,resolveCustomizedActions:=Command+Option+KresolveQuit:=Command+Q #FileCommand+Shift+NCommand+NCommand+SCommand+Shift+SCommand+Shift+OCommand+ICommand+Shift+ICommand+E #FilefileNewFolder:=...
AnimateAny CliporEffect Setting Clip settings can be viewed in the inspector at the top right of the screen. You can change or animate any setting over the clip’s duration using the diamond keyframe buttons. Simply select a clip to see its parameters, adjust a setting, click the keyframe...
Edit Index now shows clip duration. Ability to navigate keyframes outside trimmed clip extents. Ability to navigate retime keyframes using hotkeys. Smart bin filter for disabled timelines. Render in place and open in Fusion actions can be assigned shortcuts. Reset Fusion composition now works on...
You can create custom transitions in DaVinci Resolve with Fusion. Add cross-dissolve or any transition to your clip. Right-click the transition and select Convert to Fusion. It will allow you to open the transitions on the Fusion page to edit it. Right-click it again, and click Open in ...
the speed for a clip in Resolve, load the clip on the timeline, right-click the part that your will retime, select Change Clip Speed and a dialogue window pops up. You can modify the Speed by dragging the mouse left to right, or choosing the frame rate per second for the clip. ...
Featuring a universal timeline, powerful database driven design, bin and clip locking, built in chat, timeline comparison tools and more, DaVinci Resolve Studio is the world’s only post production solution that lets different artists all work together on the same project at the same time!
There is no database change from 17.x. What's new in DaVinci Resolve 17.4.3 • Addressed startup crashes on some Windows systems with Intel GPUs. • Addressed an issue with using styling on unstyled text fields. • Addressed incorrect output blanking on Mac OS without 10-bit viewers...