When you have a client looking over your shoulder you need to work fast. DaVinci Resolve control panels are designed to give you fluid, hands-on control over multiple parameters at the same time, allowing you to create looks that are simply impossible with a standard mouse! All controls are...
I'm using Imac and with the latest os, I just downloaded Davinci 17 beta and when the "DaVinci Resolve could not find Metal capable GPUs. Please review the GPU drivers and GPU configuration under preferences." popped up i chose my GPU manually instead of Auto and it worked (for now)....
DaVinciResolveforMac9 DaVinciResolveforWindows14 DaVinciResolveforLinux25 ShoppingGuide29 Macsystems29 Windowssystems31 Linuxsystems33 Mediastorage34 GPUselection36 Expanders38 Accessories39 Thirdpartypanels39 WindowsandLinuxSystems:PCIeSlotConfigurations41 ASUSPCIeconfiguration41 HPPCIeconfiguration42 SupermicroPCI...
To be sure the container's runtime is properly NVIDIA GPU-enabled, try this command: ./resolve.sh nvidia-smi This should output an "information box" from the CentOS container showing the NVIDIA stuff is running successfully there and that it is able to access the GPU. If it doesn't look...
Basically, every time I start it up, I get a popup saying "DaVinci Resolve could not find CUDA capable GPUs. Please review the GPU drivers and GPU configuration under preferences". I click to update the configuration, and when I try to do so, it says "Please add at least one media ...
- Addressed an issue where applying certain IDTs and ODTs in ACES 1.1 projects would show black frames when the GPU processing mode was set to CUDA- Addressed an issue where upgrading disk databases from Resolve 12.5 would result in loss of Power Grades in some scenarios- Addressed an issue ...