Representation of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as lender for the development of a mixed-use project in Willets Point, Queens. Representation of Wells Fargo in its financing of Bronx Point, a 22-story building that will contain 542 affordable housing units, public open space, early childhood space...
feather-ruffling and polarizing though it may be for the bank’s old-timers, is also the defining quality that has put him atop the venerable Goldman Sachs. Shortly after his first anniversary as CEO in October, the bank celebrated its 150th birthday; it’s the oldest of the big Wall Str...
Wells Fargo Bank9.36公里 A Wildflower Florist9.66公里 Mahogany Smoked Meat9.69公里 The North Face9.73公里 Heavenly Sports - Marriott9.81公里 Patagonia9.85公里 Wyland Galleries9.88公里 Little Blue House Lake Tahoe9.9公里 Heavenly Sports - Stagecoach Lodge5.59公里 Heavenly Sports - Cecil's Plaza9.71公里 ...
Representation of a major bank in the disposition of its FFELP student loan portfolio. Warehouse financings involving personal loans, student loans, credit card receivables, point-of-sale loans, middle market loans, growth capital loans, equipment leases, home improvement receivables, small business lo...
Wells Fargo’s performance management system and ridden herd on by layers of hard-driving executives. At the top was Carrie Tolstedt, Senior Executive Vice President of Community Banking, known to some within the bank as ‘the watchmaker’ for her obsessive concern with detail.An investor ...
the market remains active. So there's certain portions of the market that are more challenging because of the high yield market and everything that's going on in the high yield market. But the bank markets, open for people with attractive credit, and certainly the strategic market. There's...
Here we go, folks!! Presented by Hilltop Bank, we are excited to announce our 2022 summer concert series. Save the dates, mark your calendars, and get your dancing moves in tune, because FREE LIVE MUSIC is right around the corner at David Street Station!
David T. Fagan is best known as an expert in marketing, media and business development. His work has made people and products Icon's in their respective industries. David has been hired by: Infusionsoft, GKIC, John Assaraf, Wells Fargo, Chase Bank, Ron Le Grand, Harry Dent, Diana and ...
RITHOLTZ: Bank of America. ENRICH: Wells Fargo, I mean we couldn’t — it is hard to name banks that haven’t made these catastrophic mistakes. RITHOLTZ: Chase J.P. Morgan is really the exception, ENRICH: Yes, and Goldman too to a certain extent, I think. They have certainly had the...
Cassidy’s biggest debt is $1.6 million owed on his $3 million South Florida home, which is also at issue in his divorce. He also owes an unsecured debt of $292,000 to Wells Fargo Bank. Several law firms are also listed as creditors, a result of his several legal fights in recent ...