suppliers and has worked with numerous major corporates on their procurement strategies. His supply chain expertise is best illustrated by his role in the food and retail sectors, where clients include major names such as Premier Foods, Iglo (Birds Eye), United Biscuits, Hovis and Marks & ...
IYER REAL ESTATE PARTNER PERSPECTIVES DANTE LABS prowerl Tetragon SUNSHINE COAST HEALTH CENTER Magnix Aero Web Wire Huawei Arias Sanguinetti Wang & Torrijos, LLP weybridge assets Thor Industry Investor Relation Sentifi AG Company Pacific Surfliner ConsuNova, Inc Union Pacific Mixology Clothing Company Opti...
The incentives are perverse in setting marks for private equity. There is a tendency to overstate values, and face the problem later when the fund winds up and has to admit losses versus the overestimated marks. Xi’s Solution for China’s Economy Risks Triggering New Trade War China’s inve...
A rare carbon typescript of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Le Petit Prince featuring extensive handwritten corrections by the author is going up for sale. It is one of only three known copies and marks the first time a typescript of the classic story has been offered for public sale. The ar...
Updates from Sharon & David Kipp about their travel adventures, family, and real estate business, through out the year.
A trait that marks them as distinct from any metropolis of the late 1990s. Street crime has nearly vanished from both towns. But that is only a symptom, a result. The real change peers down from every lamp post, every rooftop and street sign. Tiny cameras, panning left and right, ...
At that time, if a citizen wanted to free a slave, he was expected to give the newly minted freeman a spear and a shield — weapons offensive and defensive, the marks of a free man. Oleg Volk did a graphic on this theme, though in that one the weapon is a flintlock....