Sperl Film’s political drama “Herrhausen – Lord of the Money,” about Deutsche Bank Chairman Alfred Herrhausen, whose mysterious assassination remains one of Germany’s most infamous unsolved murders; Studio Zentral’s “Feelings,” a coming-of-age mystery tale that boasts an innovative multi-...
What George is referring to is the true story of the Osage murders and tragedy that is the basis of Martin Scorsese’s Oscar-nominated film “Killers of the Flower Moon.” George made history when he became the first Osage writer to be nominated for an Academy Award, finding himself being...
Televangelists like Pat Robertson, whose Christian Broadcasting Network reached millions, connected the game to “news reports of murders, suicides, fantasy mental changes. Young people are going totally crazy as a result of this game.” Evangelist Jack Chick published Dark Dungeons (1984), a comic...
David Carpenter was born on May 6, 1930 at 9:16 pm in San Francisco, CA (AA-rated source). He is infamous as the “Trailside Killer”, owing to a string of murders which took place on hiking trails in some of San Francisco’s most scenic parks. Strangely, the murders took place wh...
Selena Gomez,Only Murders in the Building Upon hearing the news of her first Emmy nomination in the lead actress category, Selena wasted no time celebrating. The Only Murders in the Building star celebrated with a cake, and wrote a message on her Instagram Story July 17. ...
Crime in South Africa is rampant; it has the fifth highest crime index in the world, and has seen epidemics of murders and gang activity in recent years. And as White tourists in the country, traveling from the States, Nancy and I knew that we would be safely ensconced in the White ...
” Prazder claimed to have uncovered Smith’s repressed memories from when she was five years old. She claimed to remember being given to a satanic cult and enduring 14 months of captivity and torture, while seeing ritual murders and mutilations, often involving babies. Today, recovered memory...
2 Samuel 7:1 David wants to build a “house,” a temple, for the Lord, but the Lord turns things around: he promises that he will build a “house” for David, that is, that he will keep David’s descendants forever on the throne of Israel; this marks the climax of the story of...
Tonight marks the season finale ofRyan Murphy's wildly successful anthology seriesAmerican Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson, which Complex contributor Julian Kimble named this year'sbest showon television (same tbh). A quick glance at this morning's headlines revealseveryone but S...
91. Snapped: Behind Bars S1E5 Taylor Marks (2021) 92. The New Detectives: Case Studies in Forensic Science S9E7 Out to Kill (2004) 93. Snapped S31E4 Angelina Hamrick (2022) 94. Southern Gothic S1E2 They Call Me Animal (2020)