[RDJ内增高帅富翻译组出品]2015.05.03. on David LettermanTeamDowney 1.1万粉丝 关注 4164观看 104弹幕 2016-06-02 BV1ks411i7Do https://www.youtube.com/ 2015.05.03. on David Letterman宣传复仇者联盟2,被问到了给小朋友送3D打印义肢,任何过50岁生日,和小公主等问题。第一部分见av4780092...
"All right, that's pretty much all I got. The only thing I have left to do, for the last time on a television program: Thank you and good night." This was David Letterman's final sendoff, the conclusion of a humble, 10-minute farewell speech in which he deflected praise onto the...
[Youtube "NmQcHhV9ChM"] Now that Parks and Recreation and David Letterman's reign on the Late Show are nearing their respective ends, a beautiful friendship has blossomed. When Aubrey Plaza stopped by Letterman's show on Tuesday, the host, 67, asked what she's going to do now that the...
say anything,” she told Letterman at the top, plowing ahead to a combination of both the expected tangents (like her Spanx flattening out her back because she put them on backwards) and the sentimental appreciations of the host: “You’re a New York staple. You’re like scaffolding!” ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_H3sKdH_S8开头(简介):各位兄弟姐妹们!国庆假期快结束了,你们感觉如何?我就是《OnTNT·全球时区》。顺便说一下,这个视频原分辨率是642x480的480P视频,后经使用Topaz Video Enhance AI进行分辨率修复至4K分辨率,并用PR进行调色,可
Dave Chappelle Didn't Really Quit His Show | LettermanbyLettermanonYouTube Chappelle went on to compare his departure from the show to marriage and divorce in the 1950's, saying "People didn't go to divorce court. They just look at their wife and were like, 'I'm going to go get ...
person,” Letterman said, never saying the words “cheating” or “infidelity.”“At the time the pain that I caused myself was the fear that I had blown up my family … I never talked to a person who had been in that situation. And I’m wondering if this rings a bell...
在线看Beastie Boys HD : Sabotage ( David Letterman.. 4分钟 9秒。2015 5月 25的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 4010 — 已浏览。 343 — 已评价。
he said. “And down below was Sixth Avenue … and the sidewalk. …. Well… you know … How many are dead?” he worried. David Letterman on The Ellen Show Michael Rozman/Warner Bros. Letterman continued: “I’m stunned, and so I go over to where the window is and I’...
YouTube Drew Barrymore Flashes Letterman (April 12, 1995) Drew Barrymore had a good year in 1995, starring in three movies (including 'Boys on the Side' and 'Batman Forever'). But her most famous endeavor from that year might be flashing Letterman during an April episode marking his 48th...