The Best Laid Plans April 9, 2018Leave a comment I had hoped to take time yesterday afternoon to write a blog post for today. Alas, obligations and other things took time away from me, and I didn’t get it done. I did manage to finish readingThe Gutter Chronicles, Volume 2to my wif...
I’m so far behind on my novel-in-progress, and I’ve laid aside my research into the nextDocumenting Americabook. Do I totally trash the schedule and move the Bible study into first place on the writing list? I have a few days to decide. For sure it’s something I’ll develop (...
18. David Laid showcases deltoid muscles produced in a forgery located at an address unknown to the vast majority of muscle apprentices. Even a guy like Don Howorth, the King of Delts, would be impressed when he witnesses the shoulders of Laid. (Was Don Howorth natural? Of course not.)...
1. David did well in biology when he was at senior high school, which laid a solid foundation (found) for his studies at university.2. To our great sorrow, the monument was pulled down last month because of the(politics) reason.3. Located(locate) to the south of the equator, the cou...
While the term "saviour" might seem hyperbolic, examining Beckham's influence on MLS reveals the extent of his impact and the foundations he laid for the league's resurgence and future prospects. THE STORY OF OWNING INTER MIAMI David Beckham's transition from one of the world's most celebrate...
In this painting we have a vertical stratum of rock, laid down as horizontal mud sediments on the bottom of a primordial sea hundreds of millions of years ago, compressed and incredibly transformed into rock, then (very slowly) flipped 90 degrees onto its edge, then the surrounding stratae,...
The first rule of casino fashion is to dress according to the vibe of the casino you’re visiting. While some casinos are laid-back and casual, others might have a more upscale dress code that requires a certain level of sophistication. If you’re heading to a high-end casino, like one...
“essentially be the same person if we had been adopted at birth and raised in a different family.” repression rarely occurs. Experience a trauma—a disaster, a parent’s murder, or a battlefield terror—and we’re much more likely to be haunted by unforgettable flashbacks. some therapies ...
Laying bare American life's hidden horrors and absurdities in works like 'Mulholland Drive,' David Lynch held up a distorted but truthful mirror.
I don’t know if he left us of his own volition or was laid off. I never did understand exactly what the work load was in that office, and whether Joe had anyone but himself when it was closed. Through the miracle of Facebook, we re-connected a couple of years ago. He was still...