We’re doing sorta the “low-budget Guinness record.” Goggins said. The cost to have a Guinness certified verification come out in person is close to $7,000, “so we’ll film the whole thing and submit the documentation for it on our own.” On David’s last attempt, he finished ove...
The more you learn about David Goggins, the more you can’t help but be amazed at his absolute endurance and unflinching desire to simply keep going. He also is working on settingthe world record for most consecutive pull ups. Check out all the resources for David Goggins below. Major Race...
David Goggins is the former Navy SEAL most known for his ultramarathon performances, motivational speaking, and pull-ups—he set the world record in 2013 of
Who beat David Goggins pull up record? 22, 2020, to raise money for veterans through Team Rubicon.Ryan Murphy, a Maggie Walker and UVA alum, rests between pull ups as he tries to break David Goggins' record of 4030 pull ups in 17.5 hours. ...
它的作者大卫·戈金斯(David Goggins),把他一生最不堪、最痛苦、最辉煌的故事,都浓缩在了这 300 多页里。 以下文章为节选自书中的励志故事,还要一个大卫·戈金斯励志视频和大家一起共勉! The Cure to Laziness(David Goggins)↓↓...
David Goggins is considered by many to be among the world’s best ultra-endurance athletes. He has competed in more than 70 endurance races, has placed 3rd at the Badwater 135 Death Valley- considered the world’s toughest foot race, and regularly placing in the top five in other ultramara...
A post shared byDavid Goggins(@davidgoggins) onMay 10, 2017 at 3:35pm PDT Aside from competing in ultramarathons, triathlons, and ultra-distance cycling races, in 2013, Goggins set the world record for pull ups with 4,025 repetitions in just 17 hours. ...
David Goggins is an American ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, and former world record holder for the most pull-ups done in 24 hours. Furthermore, he is a retired United States Navy SEAL and former United States Air Force Tactical Air Control Party member and took part...
David Gogginsstopped making excuses and started giving life 100%. If you’ve heard his name, it’s probably because this former Air Force serviceman and Navy SEAL is also an ultra-endurance athlete and once held a world record for the most pull-ups in 24 hours. He is one of the toughes...
YouTube star Will Tennyson recently tried the workout and diet routine of ex-Navy SEAL David Goggins, who claims it helped him lose 100 pounds in 3 months.