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音乐人 音频创作 VIP会员 登录 首页 榜单 听书 直播 下载酷狗 商务合作 更多 David Bowie - My Death (Live, 2023 Remaster) 酷狗音乐 / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 My Death David Bowie 07:04Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 详情 下载 关闭...
My Death (Live) (Stereo) - David Bowie My death waits Like an old rou So confident I'll go his way Whistle to him and the passing time My death waits Like a bible truth At the funeral of my youth Weep loud for that And the passing time My death waits Like a ...
另类摇滚不太好下定义,反正就是非主流嘛。大家听得应该比我多,不过当你们沉浸在Manson,NIN,Nirvana,Bauhaus,The Cure,U2,Suede這些另类明星的音乐中的时候可别忘了他们的3位前辈!哪三位?就是——伟大的Lou Reed!伟大的David Bowie!伟大的Iggy Pop!
沪江英乐:影帝加里-奥德曼联手玛丽昂-歌迪亚,助阵摇滚变色龙David Bowie重口味新单《The Nexd Day》,这则发生在酒吧中的故事充满着宗教的色彩,而David Bowie本人在结尾处更是以上帝的姿态感谢两位大腕的加盟! 【摇滚变色龙David Bowie重口味新单《The Nexd Day》】 ...
The song is Lazarus, a track from the album Blackstar,released just two days before he died of liver cancer on 10 January 2016, exactly five years ago. Was the lyric another case ofBowiebeing one step ahead of the world by predicting his own death? Perhaps we...
and I’m currently revisingRebel Rebel. It will be out next year, it will take into account all of the “new” songs that have popped up in the past decade and the scads of information unearthed in the years after Bowie’s death, and it will be pretty much my last word on Bowie. ...
Still listening to Motorhead’s tribute to David Bowie with ‘Heroes.’‘Apocalypse’ by Cigarettes after Sex still reminds of Roxy Music’s ‘More Than This,’‘Avalon’ and ‘The Main Thing.’ Liking the soliloquy entitled ‘Peace’ from the movie ‘Any Given Sunday;’ it’s about team...
His final two albums, 2013’s The Next Day and 2016’s Blackstar (released two days before his death), were among the grandest—and starkest—of his career. His final video, for the song “No Plan”, was released posthumously on what would have been his 70th birthday. Bowie doesn’t ...
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