“David Bowie Is,” the extensive retrospective exhibit of the artist and his fabulous costumes, hit Toronto last Friday (seeour post from earlier today), and as many people have reported, in addition to those costumes—and ph...
Well, ten years have passed. It’s fair to say that a lot happened. We have far more details about Bowie’s work than we had in the early 2010s. The museum exhibit. The movies. The books: heavens, so many new books. Songs have appeared that no one (even the most devoted Bowie c...
There he (David Bowie) was, then, primed and ready. The proper books and doodads were arranged on a big old-fashioned lectern. The incantation began, and although I had no idea what was being said or what language it was being said in, I couldn’t stop a weird cold feeling rising up...
How many books have been written about David Bowie? Where can I find the list of David Bowie's Top 100 Must Read Books? Is there a current official David Bowie fan club? When was the first official David Bowie fan club set up? What is David Bowie's star sign? Did David Bowie actual...
Bowie’s Bookshelf: A New Essay Collection on The 100 Books That Changed David Bowie’s Life David Bowie Became Ziggy Stardust 48 Years Ago This Week: Watch Original Footage David Bowie’s Final Gig as Ziggy Stardust Documente...
He is also in the frame for a £100,000 commission from the Scottish National Portrait Gallery to paint Donald Dewar and other members of the cabinet. Howson has agreed with David Bowie that there will be no pre-publicity of the portrait before its unveiling. But Howson's Scottish agent ...
Daily Mail (London)
这100本书,是对Bowie的一生影响最大的100本。 这本《Bowie‘s Books》就是以这个书单为基础而来,收录了100篇文章。每篇文章对应一本书,简单介绍书的内容的同时,还会讲述这本书或者书的作者跟Bowie之间有什么相似,或是联系。 比如讲纳博科夫的《洛丽塔》这一篇。
说回这本《Bowie's Books》,大家可能此前看过一个书单,叫“对David Bowie最重要的100本书”。 那个书单是V&A在做《David Bowie Is》的巡展时放出的,后来在网络上传播得很广。 《David Bowie Is》巡展曾到过东京 这100本书,是对Bowie的一生影响最大的100本。
From “Space Oddity” through “Blackstar,” David Bowie was pop music’s ambassador to the realms of science fiction and fantasy. Jason Heller explains how the shapeshifting Starman was inspired by the dark sci-fi experiments of the space age.