「有如Beckham般百步穿揚的罰球」(Bend it like Beckham)這句話,概括了他擅長的運球技術。憑藉一直向前邁步的無畏精神,David Beckham成功讓兒時夢想成真。 播放影片始終忠於經典 David Beckham佩戴Black Bay Chrono精鋼款運動型計時腕錶,配備對比鮮明的副計時盤;以及Black Bay Bronze,這款直徑43毫米的潛水腕錶啟發自...
Passage 1主题拓展生词量难度限时用时大卫·贝克汉姆—一位传奇的足球运动员3★★★8mmDavid Beckham was born on May 2, 1975,
David's father-son trip is just the latest outing of the tight-knit Beckham bunch. Earlier this month, the family—including Brooklyn's wifeNicola Peltz Beckham, but sans Romeo who is currently playing for Brentford Football Club in London—stepped out atParis Fashion Weekto support ...
David Beckham Victoria Beckham David Robert Joseph Beckham 贝克汉姆汉英翻译 Beckham [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 贝克姆住所名称,来源于古英语别名Becca+“宅地”(homestead); 词组短语 维多利亚·贝克汉姆 Victoria Beckham; Victoria Beckhin the morning 我爱贝克汉姆 Bend it like Beckham; Bend it lik 维多利亚-贝克...
Learn how to strike the ball on free kicks like Beckham. Here’s a comprehensive Beckham free kick tutorial –Learn to Bend it like Beckhamwith this how to curve the soccer ball video: Also take a look at thisfree kick lesson by Riquelme....
The movie, “Bend it like Beckham” which premiered in 2002 was named after him.v Came in #19 in the top 100 celebrities (2013) in Forbes.v Beckham donated his $5.3 million salary at PSG to a children’s charity. David Beckham Suffers From Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. ...
Americans, meanwhile, were just getting to know him with the release of the 2002 movie Bend It Like Beckham, which follows a young girl who bucks her family’s traditional ways in order to play soccer. Getty Images David Beckham playing for L.A. Galaxy during the game at Home Depot ...
10. The Bend it like Beckham Movie in 2002 In 2002, a film based on Beckham’s world-renowned football skills, ‘Bend it like Beckham’ was released. Beckham and his wife had wanted to make cameo appearances in the film, but due to scheduling conflicts, they were unable to. Beckham say...
贝克汉姆 Beckham 分类: 纪录片电影, 传记片电影, 运动片电影 《贝克汉姆》是一部四集纪录片剧集,深入挖掘了这位全球足球明星和文化偶像不为人知的故事。大卫·贝克汉姆是全球最家喻户晓的人之一,但很少有人知道他的真实一面。 我爱贝克汉姆 Bend It Like Beckham 分类: 剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影,...