In the table below, you can see our selection of the best staff inDave the Diver,showcasing their skills and stats. If you’re looking for thebest staff member for cooking inDave the Diver,Yone and Makiare the two best options. Both have the highest Cooking stat in the game, though M...
Dave The Diver’s story focuses on a loveable group of coworkers turned friends who open a sushi bar near the mysterious Blue Hole: a seemingly magical stretch of water known to change its terrain and aquatic ecosystem every day. You play as the titular Dave himself, a rotund, soda-chuggin...
Speaking of quests,Dave the Diveris very accessible in how it handles your quests. All your quest objectives, main and side, will be marked by diamonds when you spot them. If you’ve got a handful of side-quests to collect a laundry list of fish and items, there’s no need to worry...
And they'll do it much better than you can. We've got a guide to Dave the Diver's best staff members so you'll know who to hire. Each time you train staff, keep an eye on which skills they've unlocked and what they're best at. Make adjustments until you've got someone great ...
Dave the Diver shouldn’t work. It is an ever-expanding Jenga tower of mechanics and task management that, somehow, never falls over. Each new character, over-the-top cutscene, and minigame feels like it should topple the whole premise, but it just never happens.Instead...
By teaching people some of these skills and helping support each other through the process, which is not something you require me for, that’s something any human being can do for any other human...