Dave the Diveris currently not rated by the ESRB or PEGI. Review Dave the Diverfollows the aptly named Dave as he helps his old friends Cobra, the ex-weapon dealer, and Bancho, the Sushi Chef with a mysterious background. Dave is tasked with procuring unique sea creatures for Bancho’s ...
Dave The Diver Review Change Region Africa (opens in a new window)AdriaAustralia (opens in a new window)Benelux (opens in a new window)Brazil (opens in a new window)Canada (opens in a new window)China (opens in a new window)Czech / Slovakia (opens in a new window)France (opens in...
Dave the Diver Review Down Where It’s Wetter Originality is tough to find in an increasingly saturated media landscape. When a game with an interesting, refreshing, and truly original idea comes along, it’s hard not to be excited.Dave the Diveris such a game. The debut title from Korean...
潜水员戴夫 DAVE THE DIVER的评论。已经通关。养成内容没有全部解锁,但也没必要了,直接卸载了。通关的时候,养成类内容解锁了大概有二分之一到三分之二左右,由此可见,主线剧情的分布不太合理。 初期下去大鱼的过程还是挺疗愈的,慢慢打渔,升级...
One of last year's best surprises was Mintrocket and Nexon's Dave the Diver, a deeply charming and funny adventure that oscillates between deep sea exploration and being a sushi chef. The game proved a hit with critics and players alike: It scored a whop
DAVE THE DIVER is a casual, singleplayer adventure RPG featuring deep-sea exploration and fishing during the day and sushi restaurant management at night. Join Dave and his quirky friends as they seek to uncover the secrets of the mysterious Blue Hole. A
The first major content update for Dave the Diver has arrived on PC. The update brings new quests, fish, and characters to the diving adventure before its upcoming Nintendo Switch launch. Featured Posts Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero Review ...
Dave the Diver has a little bit ofeverything. Seriously, you're never going to get bored with this one with the amount of content it is has it's pretty awesome. Even the music is great, when swimming around it's the perfect match-up to keep you nice and relaxed after yet another ...
Dave the Diver shouldn’t work. It is an ever-expanding Jenga tower of mechanics and task management that, somehow, never falls over. Each new character, over-the-top cutscene, and minigame feels like it should topple the whole premise, but it just never happens.Instead...
DAVE THE DIVER (PC) Steam Key LATAM Latin America From $8.19 78 Buy nowExplore optionsLoad more Reviews: 12 Gameplay Story Graphics Soundtrack Review now boc10/20/2024 0 Auto-translatedA very fun game, although it gets a bit long at the end. The underwater exploration mechanics are ...