MINTROCKET revealed new DLC for Dave the Diver. The Blue Hole Crew will be adventuring in the jungle late next year. News May 18, 2024 Dave the Diver’s Godzilla DLC Release Date Revealed Developer Mintrocket announced the release date for the Godzilla DLC of its adventure RPG Dave the Div...
Dave the Diverdoes not have multiplayer features. Developer MINTROCKET designed the game for solo players, describing it as a “casual, single-player adventure RPG experience.” As such, the development team has no future plans to add multiplayer features, be it PVP or co-op, but is that r...
Dave The Diveris getting a story DLC and, possibly, more games set in the same universe. This comes from an interview with developer Mintrocket's new CEO Jaeho Hwang, whospoke to VGCat Gamescom Asia about their plans to expand Dave and his diving. A future Dave may...
I’ve been playing through a game called Dave the Diver released on 28 Jun, 2023 from developer MINTROCKET. It seems to have taken Steam by storm with over 36,000 user reviews (and quickly growing!) giving it an overwhelmingly positive rating. After picking up a copy for myself and play...
Instead, what developer Mintrocket has created is a game where unabashedly having fun is the whole point, no matter how absurd the process. At its core, Dave the Diver is a combination of fishing and restaurant management sims. As the titular Dave, you go spearfishing during the day to ...
And MINTROCKET would definitely have the means to do it if they want to. Despite widely being thought of as an indie game, the developer is owned by Nexus, making the title far from a typical indie. ButDave the Diverstill receives consistent patches and updates, so a new port might dema...
厂商:MINTROCKET 标签:耐玩的端游 环境:Windows11,Windows10,Windows8,Windows7 8.1 详情介绍 潜水员戴夫Dave The Diver中文版是生态和地形变化的神秘的海洋蓝洞为背景的海洋探险游戏。游戏中玩家将扮演一位名叫戴夫(Dave)的潜水员,在一个外星水下世界中生存和探索。在游戏中,玩家的飞船坠毁在一个完全由水覆盖的行...
DeveloperMintRocket PublisherMintRocket GenreIndie PlatformsPC (Reviewed) Release DateJune 28, 2023 Dave the Diveris an indie game that has garnered quick popularity due to its unique gameplay and over-the-top anime-esque cutscenes. The game was developed and published by MintRocket. There is a...
it’s hard not to be excited.Dave the Diveris such a game. The debut title from Korean developer from Nexon subsidiary Mintrocket,Dave the Diveris wondrous genre mash-up of adventure RPG and restaurant management sim that becomes so much more than the sum of its many parts. Its constant ...
How long is Dave the Diver? The lovely indie RPG hit from developer MINTROCKET continues to take the gaming community by storm due to its wonderful blend of eccentric storytelling and underwater world building that promises hours upon hours of endless, non-repetitive content. But if you’re ...