Dave the Diverhas all sorts of fish and creatures to catch and serve as delicious sushi in your restaurant, including various types of Jellyfish—and we can tell you where to find them all. Recommended Videos Events will be held at the Sushi Restaurant periodically inDave the Diver,where par...
Every Fish inDave the Diver You can see a breakdown of all the fish you can catch inDave the Diverbelow, split into the areas they can be found in from the Marinca menu used to track all the fish and creatures you have encountered. All Blue Hole Shallows fish Catch ’em all. Screen...
ever-changing Blue Hole and use a harpoon and other weapons to catch fish and various creatures. Upgrade and forge equipment with collected resources and sushi restaurant profits to prepare for the dangers that lurk in the unknown. Running out of oxygen means leaving collected items and fish ...
Back to the depths to catch spooky fish. Tom Meyer | Published: Dec 18, 2023 10:55 PM GMT+8 Fishing adventure game Dave the Diver has added a new DLC in collaboration with another fishing adventure game, Dredge. The first DLC for the game has a few requirements before players can get...
InDave The Diver, you can sell items as well as ingredients in two different locations: The Sushi Bar and Cobra’s Shop. Once you have completed The Sushi Bar tutorial, you should be able to access the Ingredients menu while in Bancho’s Sushi. Inside the menu, you can see all Seasonin...
Dave the Diver, took the stage to share the intricate journey of meshing humor with gameplay to introduce complex game mechanics to players. His session, rich in knowledge and dotted with lighthearted moments, provided a comprehensive look into the creative processes that define the uniq...
To make the best sushi restaurant possible inDave the Diver,you need to recruit staff, so we’ve outlined the best possible staff members to hire. Recommended Videos The wealth of content inDave the Diveris simply staggering, ranging far beyond just diving for fish to serve in your restaurant...
Dave the Diverdoes not have multiplayer features. Developer MINTROCKET designed the game for solo players, describing it as a “casual, single-player adventure RPG experience.” As such, the development team has no future plans to add multiplayer features, be it PVP or co-op, but is that ...
Moonglow Bayis mostly a cozy fishing game, but you’ll also be able to cook the fish you have caught, or take them to the aquarium to display them there. An RPG with a comforting vibe,Moonglow Bayis a must for fans of the coziness and the fishing/ocean themes ofDave the Diver. ...
The Auto Supply inDave the Diverefficientlyuses the ingredients from your inventory rather than preparing dishes in advance to serve your customers, preventing your sea ingredients and fish from going to the dustbin. Bancho always believes in getting the highestBest Tastefor his dishes. So, if you...