Graham Stephan与Dave Ramsey在2022年9月9号对话给我的启示一个经历破产又涅槃重生的例子前面一篇已经介绍了油管网红90后博主Graham Stephan以及美国“爹味第一人”理财专家Dave Ramsey(没看到的先戳这里O三姑娘的财智人生),以及Dave对年轻的Graham在33岁25米净资产的评论,没想到马上油管又推送了第二周,也就是2022年...
If you have tax-advantaged plans (401k or Roth IRA, for example) available to you, then exploit them to their fullest extent. If your company matches any part of your contributions, do not consider this as part of your 15 percent. Additionally, do not include expected Social Security ...
What Ramsey actually recommends is to first take full advantage of the employer match on whatever account(s) they will match, then invest in a Roth IRA and pre-tax retirement accounts (aka 401k/403b). My guess is that he doesn’t specifically mention 401k because many people have other ty...
Look at your monthly income, and pick somewhere between 10-15% of it to decide you’re going to invest in a retirement account If you or your spouse has benefits that include 401K at work, start there until you meet whatever your company matches. Then move to a Roth IRA, to finish of...
If you do get an employer match, invest as much as you need to in your 401k to get the full employer match. From there, you invest in another retirement fund, a Roth IRA. This money is contributed after tax, which means you don’t save on taxes now, but it grows tax free into ...
Dave Ramsey’s Awful Advice The Debt Snowball –Dave Ramsey advocates a “debt snowball” debt repayment method, where the person in debt arranges their debts from smallest to largest, paying them off in that order. Dave believes that this method is advantageous for those who are buried under...