It’s a recent coinage for an ongoing craze in “gritty” and dark fantasy settings, epitomised and popularised by George RR Martin, becoming the default tone for a whole range of feted fantasy offerings from Joe Abercrombie’s First Law series featuring a dark, brooding protagonist who kills...
Martin Griffiths Martin McGougan Martin McInulty Martin Murphy Martin Pakula Marty Greenspun Marvel Stadium Mary Ann Betton Maryland Maryland Athletics Maryland Stadium Maryland Stadium Authority Marylebone Cricket Club Mâs Monumental Mâs Monumental Stadium Masan Baseball Stadium Masdar mass vaccination Mas...
MSNBC's new boss wants... better relationships with Republicans. (40:56) THE WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD: Martin Shrkeli emerged from his sewer to get owned on social media, New York sends a bill for damages to the family of a guy a police officer killed with an unmarked car, and are...
. . . at the time of the Reformation, Martin Luther claimed concupiscence was sin. The Roman church said no, the desire for sin is not itself sin; it’s only the actual act that flows out of that, that is willing, that is sin, and Martin Luther had a much broader understanding ...