宝宝学英语-宝宝儿歌-生日快乐,ABC-🍰 Baby Songs & Nursery Rhymes Dave and Ava 🍰 2043 -- 8:06 App DAVE&AVA Alphabet Train 字母A-E 5786 -- 3:33 App DAVE&AVA The Phonics Song Part 2 字母单词歌 2525 -- 13:36 App DAVE&AVA Numbers train 1-20 2289 -- 6:43 App 宝宝巴士之...
Dave and Ava《ABC Song Nursery Rhymes and Abcd Song Alphabet Song from Dave and Ava》MV在线看!Dave and Ava 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Number Train Part 2 Nursery Rhymes and Counting Songs Learn Numbers with Dave and Ava Dave and Ava Telescope Song Simple Songs for Kids Maple Leaf Learning Maple Leaf Learning Let's Go To The Farm Learn Farm Animals Maple Leaf Learning 쩔어(MBC音乐中心15/07/04) BTS(防弹少年团) 第7集...
《Dave and Ava Nursery Rhymes》由听友32265428创作,目前已更新49个节目,包含12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive、ABC Song _ British Zed Version、ABC Song _ Nursery Rhymes and Abcd Song、ABC Song、Alphabet Train等内容。用声音分享人类智慧,用声音服务美好生活,
4 伊恩庄园启蒙儿歌_Down in the Jungle _ Nursery Rhymes by Dave and Ava 2023-01-19 31:39 2 伊恩庄园启蒙儿歌_ABC Song + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Dave and Ava.mp4 2023-01-19 31:49 3 伊恩庄园启蒙儿歌_Alphabet Train and more ABC Songs _ Alphabet song 2023-01-19Copyright...
(Dave and Ava 合集 3)伊恩庄园_英语启蒙儿歌_Alphabet Train and more ABC Songs 37.9万 7 01:03 App 0-3岁益智儿歌《小苹果》听着儿歌,学舞蹈吧 18.7万 29 01:46:24 App 【167集】【Super JoJo英语儿歌】0-6岁英语启蒙必备 超级宝贝 视频+音频 早教启蒙 英文童谣 语感启蒙 2157 1 31:52 App (...
ABC Song Nursery Rhymes and Abcd Song Alphabet Song from Dave and Ava Dave and Ava Telescope Song Simple Songs for Kids Maple Leaf Learning Maple Leaf Learning Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs YouTube Nursery Rhymes from Dave and Ava Dave and Ava Let's Go To The Farm Le...
4 伊恩庄园启蒙儿歌_Down in the Jungle _ Nursery Rhymes by Dave and Ava 2023-01-19 31:39 2 伊恩庄园启蒙儿歌_ABC Song + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs Dave and Ava.mp4 2023-01-19 31:49 3 伊恩庄园启蒙儿歌_Alphabet Train and more ABC Songs _ Alphabet song 2023-01-19Copyright...
Dave and Ava的儿歌动画画面非常精美,专业的世界级的3D动画让传统的儿歌童谣变得更加有趣。 Dave and Ava儿歌包含ABC、数字、形状、颜色等内容,可以提高儿童的记忆力,帮助孩子变得更加自信和具有创造性,学会专注和独立玩耍。 “Dave and Ava Nursery Rhymes” is animated series developed especially for young childre...
- Feeding hungry bugs with yummy fruits while learning to trace the letters of the English Alphabet - Working on letter recognition skills SPECIAL FUN REWARDS Dave and Ava prepared lots of surprises to keep preschool-aged learners motivated. ...