Online Admission Form Principal’s Message Pay Online Fee Online Platforms Photo Gallery ABOUT OUR SCHOOL Dr. D. Ram DAV Public School was established with -humble beginning in the year 1993 at Bataganj, Patna. From its very first year, it started imparting quality education with a holistic ap...
PreSchool Admission Guidelines and Registration Form Session -2025-26 About Our School D.A.V. Sreshtha Vihar was established in 1989 and since then it has been training the flame of D.A.V. excellence and creating new breakthrough in the world of education. The fire of D.A.V. principles...
Mandatory Public Disclosure School Calendar Admission Form About Our School DAV Centenary Public School Karnal is one of the chains of more than 800 institutions started by DAV College Trust and Management Society New Delhi in length and breadth across the country mainly with a view to perpetuate...
DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, BAZPUR Beria Road, Bazpur, U.S.Nagar, Uttarakhand - 262401 HOME ABOUT US ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS FACILITIES ADMISSION ACTIVITY NEWS AND MEDIA GALLERY FACULTY MANTRAS FOR HAWAN HELP DESK Bazpur Republic Day Republic Day .. .. International Yoga Day 2019 . . . . . . . ....
Pre-School Admission 2025-26 ATL About Our School DAV Public School, Kailash Hills was started by Principal Mrs. Krishna Mahajan in 1983 at Masjid Moth, Niti Bagh with just 150 students. She Principal's Message Dear Parent, I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to all students, parents,...
School Events Awards and Prizes School Facilities Teaching Faculty Non-Teaching Faculty About Our School The G.M.R.Group is one of the fastest growing industrial groups in the country and their focus of attention is on infrastructure development through Energy, ...
DAV Public School, WALMI, Phulwari Sharif, Patna, is the flagship brand of the pioneering non-government organization, “The DAV College Managing committee, familiarly known as DAV CMC in India and overseas with over 904+schools 75+ colleges and a university. There are almost 50 000+ staff ...
Jaipur under our care. While you leaf through this brochure, you will get to know about our Mission & Vision, infrastructural facilities, academic and co-curricular activities and achievements. I am quite certain, you will find this school as a right choice for the holistic development of your...
DAV Public School, Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education, is a visionary project of DAV College Managing Committee New Delhi. It takes pride in imparting value -oriented global education Welcome to the new scholastic session 2024-25 of the school!As we embar...
About Our School D.A.V. Public School, Bhagalpur, was established in 2001 in response to the persistent demand of the people of the area. The school is situated at Industrial Estate, Meerachak, Barari, Bhagalpur, in a lush green echo-friendly surrounding. The school, with highly motivate...