发音:[daunte] 性别:男性 名字起源:法语;英语 Daunte翻译成中文人名:但特 Daunte名字怎么读:Daunte读 [daunte], 真人发音: Daunte的中文名:但特 Daunte英文名什么意思:作为男孩的名字,Daunte是“持久,持久”的意思。 Daunte是Dante的另一种形式(西班牙语,意大利语,拉丁语)。历史:Dante Alighieri.Variations Daunte有...
发音:英美(点击小喇叭告诉你“Daunte”准确发音) 英文名:Daunte [daunte] 中文音译:但特 其它音译:暂无 名字性别:男孩英文名 来源语种:英语法语 名字寓意:暂无 名字印象: 暂无 名字含义: 暂无 英文名Daunte什么意思?爱站小工具网为您提供英文名Daunte中文意思,Daunte名字的性别,Daunte音译,Daunte怎么读发音以及名字的...
daunter 是什么意思 daunter n.daunt的变形 daunt[dɔ:nt] vt. 吓,恫吓,恐吓,威吓,吓倒;使害怕: They were daunted by the amount of work still to be done. 他们被 那大量待做的工作吓倒了。 to daunt one's adversaries 吓倒对手 使畏缩,使胆怯,使气馁,使失去信心(或勇气):...
daunter是什么意思、daunter怎么读 读音:美[dɔːnt]英[dɔːnt] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 daunter中文翻译 n.恐吓者,威胁者;使人灰心者,使人沮丧者 daunter是什么意思 网络女高音歌唱家 星级词汇: 词组短语 单词专题
daunte 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. We just talked about how hard it is for Daunte to catch up and he's been playing in this league for a while. 我们只是在说当特要赶上球队的步伐有多困难,因为他已经有很长时间没有打过比赛了。 www.nflchina.com©...
daunte wrightA guilty verdict for Derek Chauvin is a beginning, not an ending Even with justice for George Floyd, becoming radicalized is the only sensible option left. advertisementLatest daunte wright News advertisement advertisementDesign↓
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Twitter Google Share on Facebook daunter Thesaurus (dônt, dänt) tr.v.daunt·ed,daunt·ing,daunts To lessen the courage or resolution of; dishearten or intimidate:"Dogged by sickness, daunted by the continuing economic downturn, he continued to fall behind"(Brooks D. Simpson). ...
Daunte CulpepperDaunte Rachard Culpepper Born: January 28, 1977 in Ocala, Florida, USACollege: Central FloridaTotal Cards: 6,880Tweet * *Clicking on this affiliate link and making a purchase can result in this site earning a commissionOverview | Cards | Contributors | Favorites | Filters | ...