Daughters是囧妹John Mayer第三张录音室专辑《Heavier Things》中的歌曲,囧妹单曲商业打榜成绩或许不突出,但是这首歌却为他夺得了格莱美年度最佳单曲奖和最佳流行男歌手奖两项大奖,悦耳的旋律,和谐顺畅的转接,歌词温馨写实而富有深度,囧妹迷人的磁性声线,使得歌曲整体自然流畅,值得细细品味。 下一颗巧克力 2015年7月...
John Mayer - Daughters 专辑:Heavier Things 歌手:John Mayer Daughters - John Mayer (约翰·梅尔) Written by:John Mayer I know a girl She puts the color inside of my world But she's just like a maze Where all of the walls all continually change ...
John Mayer - Daughters 专辑:Heavier Things 歌手:John Mayer Daughters - John Mayer (约翰·梅尔) Written by:John Mayer I know a girl She puts the color inside of my world But she's just like a maze Where all of the walls all continually change ...
John Mayer Daughters - John Mayer (约翰·梅尔) Written by:John Mayer I know a girl She puts the color inside of my world But she's just like a maze Where all of the walls all continually change And I've done all I can To stand on her steps with my heart in my hands Now I'm...
Daughters 艺术家:John Mayer查看原文 原调B 字大小 Tabbed by:theprince87Email:*hey everyone! I have been playing for a few years now and have been tabbing songs as Ibut this is first time I have posted one online. Let me know what you think. email me ifgood, bad, any corrections ...
Daughters will love like you do Girls become lovers who turn into mothers So mothers be good to your daughters too Oh you see that skin It's the same she's been standing in Since the day she saw him walking away Now she's left ...
John Mayer Trio. Try! John Mayer Trio Live in Concert. Daughters. 约翰Mayer三重奏. 试试吧!约翰梅尔三重奏音乐会现场. 女儿. ... got nothing to do with me, yeah Fathers, be good to your daughters Daughters will love like you do, yeah Girls become lovers who turn into mothers So mothers...
专辑:BBM (John Mayer) Soothing Lullaby Arrangements of Songs Made Famous by John Mayer流派:爵士 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Bennie And The JetsBaby Blanket Music Someone Saved My Life TonightBaby Blanket Music I Guess That's Why They Call It The BluesBaby Blanket Music...
The day before the start of Wimbledon, h 分享19赞 mayer吧 mayer吧视频 【John Mayer】【视频】1月30日VH1 Storytellers现场一楼百度 采访内容大概下周在此帖更新,先发视频大家先睹为快。 分享26赞 长春吧 JOY红袖 RootIs Chinese banzai!The devil is stood by side. Recent news' reporting is illegally...