Dato-DXd作为一种靶向TROP2的新型ADC药物,由第一三共和阿斯利康共同开发的Dato-DXd采用第一三共专有的DXd ADC技术设计,其抗体——“人源化靶向TROP2的IgG1单克隆抗体”与有效载荷——“拓扑异构酶I抑制剂(喜树碱类衍生物,DX-8951衍生物,...
Antibody-drug conjugates Dato-DXd Datopotamab deruxtecan 1. Introduction Several drugs with novel mechanisms of action – including antibody drug conjugates (ADC) – have been and are currently being tested for advanced and metastatic solid tumors, including breast cancer [1]. ADCs present high ...
TOKYO & MUNICH & BASKING RIDGE, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- New data fromDaiichi Sankyo Company, Limited(hereafter, Daiichi Sankyo) andAstraZeneca‘s datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd), a TROP2 directed DXd a...
TOKYO & MUNICH & BASKING RIDGE, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- New data from theTROPION-PanTumor01phase 1 trial of datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd), a TROP2 directed DXd antibody drug conjugate (ADC) bei...
and this sense of obligation informs everything we do. Anchored by our DXd antibody drug conjugate (ADC) technology, our powerful research engines include biologics, medicinal chemistry, modality and other research laboratories...
and this sense of obligation informs everything we do. Anchored by our DXd antibody drug conjugate (ADC) technology, our powerful research engines include biologics, medicinal chemistry, modality and other research laboratories in Japan, and Plexxikon Inc., our small molecule structure-guided R&D cen...
Anchored by our DXd antibody drug conjugate (ADC) technology, our research engines include biologics, medicinal chemistry, 4 modality and other research laboratories in Japan, and Plexxikon Inc., our small molecule structure-guided R&D center in the U.S. We also work alongside leading academic ...
and this sense of obligation informs everything we do. Anchored by our DXd antibody drug conjugate (ADC) technology, our powerful research engines include biologics, medicinal chemistry, modality and other research la...
目前,Dato-DXd凭借TROPION-Lung01研究在经治局晚期或转移性NSCLC展示卓越疗效的同时,其在联合治疗模式方面亦表现出可观的治疗潜力。 TROPION-Lung02是首个探索Dato-DXd联合免疫疗法(帕博利珠单抗)±铂类化疗方案治疗晚期NSCLC的临床研究,结果显示[17],无论入组患者既往是否接受过治疗,Dato-DXd联合帕博利珠单抗的二联...
总之,TROPION-Breast01研究结果再次印证了Dato-DXd在真实世界应用中的安全性,和≥3级 ILD 发生率的一致性,为指导临床治疗提供可靠依据。 2 Dato-DXd和TROP2 ADC同类药物安全性对比:Dato-DXd相关间质性肺疾病风险较低,同类TROP2 ADC血液毒性亟需关注