“I asked about her dating history, and she said she keeps getting used by men who wind up being married and just use her for sex because she’s ‘so good in bed.’ The only other woman I met since I moved here [earlier this year] was from Salem [three hours west]. She came to...
But now that Emily is her family’s last single daughter, her mother is fixated on getting her married and she has her sights on Mark. There’s only one solution, clearly : convince Mark to be in a fake relationship with her long enough to put an end to her mom’s meddling. He rel...
He asks for a cheeky photo & I say,“I don’t want to be that girl.”He replies“Woman.”(Scoring brownie points with me!) & he says that he wouldn’t think that of me. Yeah right… I am careful, cos this guy is pretty cute & the conversation is more than just,‘Hey how’s...
which was overwhelming. I need to figure out where to go to meet people who aren’t the guy I married (and subsequently divorced because he wanted kids and I didn’t) for a high school economics assignment senior year. That’s proving more...
So now, tonight. There was a meme going around of Trump and Kanye making out, becauselet’s face it, that’s what they do. Acousinwho is all the way up Trump’s ass decided to comment on my sister’s post and say that he was disappointed in her post, that he loved our dad who...
Vertical romantic greeting meme woman love heart HD American elderly couple is talking. Mature senior and woman love online shopping. 4K Close up of a pet beagle kissing a woman, love animals concept. Dog licking her owner nose. HD Couple of lovers in n...
A woman handed us two programs and ushered us towards the entrance. “Don’t worry,” she assured us. “He hasn’t started.” We walked in and found two seats in the back row. The theater was full, and by “full” I mean the 20 seats in the theater mostly had people in them, ...
Posted in#autoimmune,#spoonie,alopecia,bald,bald woman,Christianity,CRPS,CSF,dating,dating over 40,dating while sick,datingwhilesick,disability,doctor,emotional abuse,Facebook,healthcare,hidradenitis suppurativa,internet dating,love,lying,manipulation,marriage,mast cell activation disease,mast cell activation...
The vast majority of the women who reviewed this meme acknowledged that they’d heard some if not all of these deflections and excuses from men. I just thought it important to provide a reality check on the issue of why more black women aren’t married. We get blamed for being single in...
“I was married for 20 years; I understand women,” Greg said in a last ditch effort to win me over. “Like I know you took your purse to the bathroom because you have your period.” I blinked. After a long beat, I blurted, “I’m really uncomfortable and I’m gonna go.” “...