// 获取当前时间对象DateTimenow=DateTime.now();//获取对应的毫秒inttime=now.microsecondsSinceEpoch;print("毫秒$time");//获取当前时间的年intyear=now.year;//获取当前时间的月intmonth=now.month;//获取当前时间的日intday=now.day;//获取当前时间的时inthour=now.hour;//获取当前时间的分intminute=now....
Username for 'https://gitee.com': userName Flutter Datetime Picker Plus Forked from(Pub) flutter_datetime_pickeras it had issues with dart 3.0/Flutter 3.10. This package only works on Flutter >=3.10.0. If you need an older version, please use the original package. (Pub) flutter_datetime_...
int time = now.microsecondsSinceEpoch; print("毫秒 $time"); //获取当前时间的年 int year = now.year; //获取当前时间的月 int month = now.month; //获取当前时间的日 int day = now.day; //获取当前时间的时 int hour = now.hour; //获取当前时间的分 int minute = now.minute; //获取当...
int time = now.microsecondsSinceEpoch; print("毫秒 $time"); //获取当前时间的年 int year = now.year; //获取当前时间的月 int month = now.month; //获取当前时间的日 int day = now.day; //获取当前时间的时 int hour = now.hour; //获取当前时间的分 int minute = now.minute; //获取当...
(Pub) flutter_datetime_picker A flutter date time picker inspired byflutter-cupertino-date-picker you can choose date / time / date&time in multiple languages: Albanian(sq) Arabic(ar) Armenian(hy) Azerbaijan(az) Basque(eu) Bengali(bn) ...
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget { DateTime now = DateTime.now(); // 初始化一个当前时间的DateTime变量 DateTime specificDate = DateTime(2022, 12, 31); // 初始化一个指定日期的DateTime变量 DateTime customDateTime = DateTime(2022, 6, 15, 12, 30);...
在Flutter中将DateTime转换为TimeOfDay可以使用TimeOfDay.fromDateTime()方法。该方法接受一个DateTime对象作为参数,并返回一个对应的TimeOfDay对象。 以下是一个示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { DateTime dateTime = DateTime.now(); TimeOfDay timeOfDay = TimeOfDay....
DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int millisecondsSinceEpoch, { bool isUtc: false }) 该方法输入距离1970年1月1日0时0分0秒的毫秒数,得到一个DateTime实例。 DateTime.now() 该方法返回一个依托于本地时区的代表当前时间的DateTime实例。 DateTime.utc(int year, [ int month = 1 int day = 1 int hour...
#How to Convert Timestamp to DateTime in Dart and Flutter? This example converts timestamp in milli and microseconds to DateTime Let’s see how to get the Current timestamp in milli and microseconds. voidmain() {print(DateTime.now());//2022-10-30 11:51:16.566print(DateTime.now().millis...
一、DateTime 1、格式化 2、获取某天的某个时间 3、获取某个月份的第一天 4、获取某个月份的最后一天 二、String-int-double类型转换