1. function adjustYear(int $yearsAdj){ //you can pass in +/- value and I adjust year value by that value but then I also call PHP's 'cal_days_in_month' function to ensure the day number I have in my date does not exceed days in the month for the new year/month combo--if i...
It can be confusing creating new DateTime from timestamp when your default timezone (date.timezone) is different from UTC and you are used to date()-function. date()-function automatically uses your current timezone setting but DateTime::createFromFormat (or DateTime constructor) does not (it...
functionhour_module($module){global$DB, $USER;//in format HH:MM:SS (varchar)//Define lthe hours for misreservas.php$modules = $DB->get_record('bookingrooms_modules',array("id"=> $module)); $start = explode(":", $modules->hour_start); $end = explode(":", $modules->hour_end...
1 数据库日期类型是int类型的,该查询结果是datetime类型的SELECT from_unixtime( `dateline` ) FROM cdb_posts如果原来类型是datetime类型,查询结果要是int类型则SELECT unix_timestamp( `dateline` ) FROM cdb_postsphp时间转换,关键是看你在什么时候要获得对应的时间类型$timestamp = 1210003200;$datetime = dat...
php中DateTime的format格式以及 TtoDatetime函数 Definition and Usage The date() function formats a local time/date. Syntaxdate(format,timestamp) ParameterDescriptionformat Required. Specifies how to return the result: d - The day of the month (from 01 to 31)...
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)DateTime::diff -- DateTimeImmutable::diff -- DateTimeInterface::diff -- date_diff— Returns the difference between two DateTime objects 说明 面向对象风格 public DateInterval DateTime::diff ( DateTimeInterface $datetime2 [, bool $absolute = false ] ) public DateInterval...
* DateTime requires PHP >= 5.2 * *@param$str_user_timezone *@paramstring $str_server_timezone *@paramstring $str_server_dateformat *@returnstring */functionnow($str_user_timezone,$str_server_timezone= CONST_SERVER_TIMEZONE,$str_server_dateformat= CONST_SERVER_DATEFORMAT){// set timezon...
.php#171","Code": 0,"Trace": [ {"function":"onError","class":"OC\\Log\\ErrorHandler","type":"::","args": [ 8192,"DateTime::__construct(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($datetime) of type string is deprecated","/var/www/nextcloud/apps/dav/lib/Comments/EntityCollection.php",...
<?php $d = new DateTime('2007-12-31'); function addMonths($date, $months) { $years = floor(abs($months / 12)); $leap = 29 <= $date->format('d'); $m = 12 * (0 <= $months?1:-1); for ($a = 1;$a < $years;++$a) { $date = addMonths($date, $m); ...