In Crete and Frankfort-on-the-Main as well as in certain communities in Egypt, special feasts or Purims are celebrated in commemoration of miraculous events. The Alexandrian Jews observed amemorial day in honor of the translation of the Bible into Greek (Philo, "Vita Mosis," ii., § 7; ...
First school in Idaho opens for Indian children at Lapwai. First white child born in Idaho is Eliza Spalding born at Lapwai.1839 -Henry Spalding starts publishing the Bible in Lapwai on the earliest printing press in the Pacific Northwest. Chief Timothy, the first native Christian leader, ...
Chronology - Jewish History, Time Periods, Dates: The era at present in vogue among the Jews, counted from the creation of the world (anno mundi; abbreviated to am), came into popular use about the 9th century ad. Traceable in dates recorded much earlier