In order to collect the maximum OAS pension payment in Canada you need to have lived in Canada for 40 years after the age of 18. If you have lived in Canada for less than 40 years, but still meet the eligibility criteria above, then you will get a proportional amount of the maximum O...
Yet in his book, “Retirement Income for Life” Canadian pension guru Fred Vettese states that,“Only 1 percent or so of all CPP recipients postpone the start of their CPP payments until age 70.” Here’s the raw math behind the CPP withdrawal at 60 vs 65 vs 70: 65-years-old is co...
An additional wrinkle is that I have a disability pension. Even the stingy bureaucrats in my country concluded that finding full time employment (and believe me I tried hard for years) was impossible for me. Despite good advice on the subject from family and my coach and my therapist I can...
In 1972, baseball had its firstgeneral strike, lasting 13 days; it caused the cancellation of 86 regular-season games and delayed the divisional playoffs and World Series by 10 days. The players asked for and ultimately got an addition to the pension fund. Another players’ strike was averted...
Yet in his book, “Retirement Income for Life” Canadian pension guru Fred Vettese states that,“Only 1 percent or so of all CPP recipients postpone the start of their CPP payments until age 70.” Here’s the raw math behind the CPP withdrawal at 60 vs 65 vs 70: ...