They aired the Suitcase Murders after the verdict and before sentencing Melanie McGuire to life in prison for murdering and dismembering her husband, William McGuire. Even though there was no evidence connecting her to the crime but circumstantial coincidences. THe fact that Court TV was airing ...
Which makes you more sad: the Dateline episode or the verdict in Raniere’s case and 120 year sentence? Would you like me to mail you a large box of tissues? Nicki and Danielle’ problem (and your’s by proxy) is that their words are heard over and over again. They are making their...
In the eyes of third parties or the international community, will the verdict reflect independent judgment or social pressure? Excessive media influence can only undermine the impartial image of the court. Zain Dean has been successfully extradited. Civil society on Taiwan must safeguard the hard won...
We must point out that the fifth generation leaders’ real challenge comes from freedom and democracy. When Jiang Zemin passed the baton on to Hu Jintao, the only stipulation was “never reverse the verdict on the June 4 Tiananmen Incident.” Now however, the situation is much more complicated...