Excel日期函数(1):计算两个日期间隔的天数、月数、年数 ,end_date,unit)。 1、start_date:必需。代表时间段内的起始日期,可以是带引号的日期文本字符串,比如“2016-8-8”,也可以是日期序列值、其他公式或者函数返回的运算结果,比如DATE(2016,8,8)等等。2、end_date:必需。代表时间段内的结束日期,结束日期要...
:ExcelGeneral":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:ExcelGeneral","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"ExcelGeneral","nodeType":"board","depth":4,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"Excel","description":"Your community for how-to discussions and sharing best practices on Microso...
The simplest and most accurate formula to calculate age in Excel is =DATEDIF(birth_date,as_of_date,"y"). This returns the number of years rounded down. Other methods, such as =INT((end-start)/365.25) or =INT(YEARFRAC(start,end)) are not 100% correct. See below for examples and an...
Rajen66On a MBA myself. No problems with DATEDIF. But I wonder why you want to use that function at all. It's not an official Excel function and exists only for compatibility reasons with older spreadsheet programs (like Lotus-1-2-3). ...
{communityTitle}","errorMissing":"This message cannot be found","name":"Forum Message Page","section.message-list.title":"Forum Discussion","archivedMessageTitle":"This Content Has Been Archived","section.TqVYTs.title":"Forum Discussion"},"localOverride":false},"CachedAsset:quiltWrapper:o365...
Even if I copy/paste those online examples this error always pops up. I'm using Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016. What's happening? Thanks!
I have a colleague who is doing some salary work. The formula's work until the random one throws up errors and we cannot figure out why. The only fix is to insert a fresh new row into the excel and manually input the data and drag the formula down. ...
DATEDIF problem Hello, I'm working at an application (internal use) requiring compatibility with the serial numbers generated by Excel for date values. During the testing phase, I've noticed strange issues (fail... vt1701 Let's take your first example: 29/03/4976 to 15/10/5346 (dd/mm/...
MaCa87 In general formula shall work. Format doesn't matter, actual values are important. Perhaps you may submit small file similar to above (not screenshot, excel file) to check what's wrong.