DEFINE var filter_d=DATESMTD('_日期表'[日期])//得到的日期区间为10月1日-10月9日 var min_d=DATEADD(FIRSTDATE(filter_d),-1,MONTH) var max_d=DATEADD(LASTDATE(filter_d),-1,MONTH) EVALUATE DATESBETWEEN('_日期表'[日期],min_d,max_d) 返回的日期区间为9月1日-9月9日。
daxmax 单纯讲解时间智能函数犹如盲人摸象,不见全貌,更不见本质。 我们之前写过很多关于时间智能函数的文章,但文本将是最为本质以及最重要的。本文属于 BI佐罗 PowerBI VIP 线下培训部分抽取。 BI佐罗 2020/06/04 1.4K0 函数周期表丨时间智能丨值丨DATEADD daxgetpowerbi DATEADD函数属于使用频率非常高的基本函数...
将一个日期列的所有日期往前推15天,比如2021年11月25日,往前推15天,则是2021年11月10日。 这个问题看似非常简单,但有些朋友会犯一个“高级”错误!因为DAX里有一个“高级”且“简单易懂”的函数DATEADD! 结果,在模型表里新增一列,使用DATEADD函数: 什么鬼?为什么2021年1月15日及以前的日期往前推15天的结果都...
LastMonthMaxDateValue = VAR CurrentMonth =MAX ('抄表'[日期]) VAR LastMonth = CALCULATETABLE (VALUES ('抄表'[日期] ), FILTER ( ALL ('抄表'),'抄表'[日期] < CurrentMonth )) VAR LastMonthMaxDate =TOPN ( 1,LastMonth,'抄表'[日期], DESC ) VAR LastMonthMaxDateValue = CALCULATE (sumx('...
I am using a meausre to create a vertical line at a certain point This DAX creates the line succesfully referenceline = IF( MAX('FACT SALES'[Date]) =
DATESMTD('Date'[Date]) ,-1,MONTH) It turns the total days for the previous month. So first I tested if DATESMTD('Date'[Date]) worked as expected by created a DAX table with the DATESMTD formula and it worked as expected. Then if I changed the formula to the below I get the whole...
the time and date now is: 2008-06-18 11:42:06.140i just need to get 20080617 as the output without any time .. how do i do it ...??All replies (2)Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:35 PM ✅Answered | 1 voteSELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),DATEADD(day, -1, getdate()),112)...
CTE, VIEW and Max Recursion: Incorrect Syntax Error Near Keyword Option Cummulative percentage in SQL Server 2012 Cumulative DIfference/Running Difference in SQL Current Date minus one year Current month and Previous Month Current Month vs Previous Month within single stored procedure Current Timestamp...
Note: I have successfully created the column that displays the correct date by adding a custom column in Power Query, but only by using the static "513" average number that I was getting. I would like a solution that is dynamic.