1. 打开Excel文件,点击菜单栏上的“开发工具”选项卡。如果您的菜单栏上没有该选项卡,需要先启用开发工具选项卡。 2. 在“开发工具”选项卡中,点击“插入”下方的“更多控件”按钮。 3. 在弹出的“控件”对话框中,选择“Microsoft date and time picker control”(Microsoft日期和时间选择控件)。 4. 点击“确...
The Excel data is in the following format. We need adrop-down calendarto enter the joining date of the employee. A drop-down calendar makes it easy for the user to enter the joining dates. For this, we insert an ActiveX Control named “Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6)....
I am currently trying to use the Microsoft Date and Time picker for a project in Excel 365 64-Bit, Windows 7 64-Bit. These are the steps I have performed. Obtained the mscomct2.ocx file, placed it in C:\syswow64 folder and used regsvr32 to successfully register it. ...
确认注册成功。打开EXCEL,选择"文件“-”选项“,在Excel选项中选择”自定义功能区“,选择” 开发工具“选项框。 点击Excel菜单中的“开发工具选项卡”,点击插入“其他控件” 在其他控件中选择,Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control控件 现在就可以在EXCEL中使用日期控件了。 设计日期的选择界面,在日历的控件按鼠标...
在工具栏上右单击鼠标,选择附加控件,在弹出的窗口里找到microsoft date and time picker control,单击前的方框选定它,然后确定。如果你没有找到它,可以先去下载mscomct2.ocx,然后复制到windows\system32下并用regsvr32注册。
In Excel, the drop-down calendar is called Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control. The Microsoft date picker control 6.0 (SP6) is not available in the 64-bit edition of Excel. Use various arrow buttons to change the date, month, and year in the drop-down calendar. ...
I've created a spreadsheet with a form that utilizes the Microsoft Date Time Picker 6.0 ActiveX control. It works just fine on my computer, but I've shared it for other people to use, and they apparently have an error message telling them that the Date Time Picker control cannot be loade...
这个显示问题,你按pgdn,再按pgup就正常了 不知道是插件的问题还是excel的问题
进入VBA编辑器,工具菜单,引用;在引用窗口中点击浏览按钮,并找到你的MSCOMCT2.OCX,确认后,确定在引用中勾选了Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2xx。确定后,就可在控件列表中找到日期时间提取控件了