3.One that seems likely to gain a certain position or come to a certain fate:young actors who are candidates for stardom; a memorandum that is a good candidate for the trash can. [Latincandidātus,clothed in white (from the white togas worn by Romans seeking office), candidate, fromcandid...
With the discovery of fire, humankind was the first time able to supply heat and light when needed. About 2000 years ago, the Romans started to use ceramic tiles to store heat in under floor heating systems. Even when the fire was out, the room stayed warm. Since ancient times, people ...
Book of the Ancient Romans: An Introduction fo the History and Civilization of Rome from the Traditional Date of the Founding of the City to Its Fall in 476 A.D.4 INTRODUCTION BOOK i kindred extraction the Berbers and Negroes of Africa ... not simply Italian the history of...
They have justification reached at the point of faith in the first part of Romans 10;10 and salvation reached at the point of confession in the latter part of the same verse! They could not even stay consistent or avoid contradictions in just one verse!! Here is thei r rendering, "For...
Doux13% abv made from botrytized grapes and smelled of orange peel and honey. Three passes through the vineyard take place. It was same style as a Sauternes but more floral and lots of wet straw.2012 ripa sinistrafrom theIGP Collines Rhodaniennes is a local wine that the Romans pulled ou...
The Romans officially recognized January 1 as the first day of the year in 153 BC, but it didn't catch on everywhere right away.By the way, it's interesting to note that the "Julian period" (not to be confused with the Julian Calendar) well known to historians and astronomers, was ...
The Romans wanted to know where you lived now, not where your great-great-grandparents had lived a century or two ago. For example, if you were a Cilician living Rome they'd want to know where to send your tax bill in Rome, not where your ancestors used to live in Tarsus. In ...
Amongst the Greeks and Romans it was confined to manufacturing aromatic waters, and Nicander the poet (B.C. 140) used for a still the term ἄμβιξ, like the Irish “pot” and its produce “poteen.” The simple art of converting salt water into fresh, by boiling the former and ...
” Yiddish-speaking Jews and survivors in the years immediately following their liberation called the murder of the Jews the Ḥurban, the word used to describe the destruction of the First Temple inJerusalemby the Babylonians in 586bceand thedestruction of the Second Templeby the Romans in ...
the murder of the Jews the Ḥurban, the word used to describe the destruction of the First Temple inJerusalemby the Babylonians in 586bceand thedestruction of the Second Templeby the Romans in 70ce. Shoʾah (“Catastrophe”) is the term preferred by Israelis and the French, most ...