The expiresDate is a static value that applies for each transaction. When the auto-renewable subscription renews, the App Store creates a new transaction with a new expiresDate. See Also Subscripton renewal and expiration type autoRenewStatus The renewal status for an auto-renewable subscription. ...
Last-Modified:实体报头用于指示资源的最后修改日期和时间 Expires:实体报头给出响应过期的日期和时间 注意: Content-Type和Content-Encoding用于定义网络文件的类型和网页的编码,决定浏览器将以什么形式、什么编码读取这个文件。 Accept-Encoding 和Content-Encoding是HTTP中用来对采用哪种编码格式传输正文进行协定的一对头部...
Visitors wishing to extend their status date must apply 30 days before it expires. WikiMatrix This is a statue dated back to late #th Century opensubtitles2 These ugly looking statues date back at least a 10.000 years. Literature The earliest examples of such statues date to the 18th ...
Provider Assembly: Mono.Android.dll C# 複製 [Android.Runtime.Register("DATE_EXPIRES", ApiSince=29)] public const string DateExpires; Field Value String Attributes RegisterAttribute Applies to 產品版本 .NET for Android .NET for Android API 33, .NET for Android API 34 ...
Definition Namespace: Android.Provider Assembly: Mono.Android.dll C# 复制 [Android.Runtime.Register("DATE_EXPIRES", ApiSince=29)] public const string DateExpires; Field Value String Attributes RegisterAttribute Applies to 产品版本 .NET Android .NET Android API 33, .N...
The date that the balance expires. iOS 15.0+iPadOS 15.0+Mac Catalyst 15.0+macOS 12.0+visionOS 1.0+watchOS 8.0+ @property(nonatomic, strong, readonly, nullable)NSDate*expiryDate; See Also Getting the pass status amount The current balance in money or points. ...
When the task expires, it's routed to the manager (User 2) of the current assignee (User 1). When User 2 doesn't act within 30 weekdays, the task is escalated to the manager of User 2, who has another 30 weekdays before the task goes to a final Expired ...
在云计算领域,DATE_SUB(NOW(),间隔5分钟)是一个用于在数据库中获取当前时间减去指定时间间隔的函数。然而,在PDO语句中,该函数可能不起作用的原因可能有以下几点: 1. 数据库引擎不支持...
The NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID error occurs when browsers don't trust the reliability of a site's SSL certificate. Here's how to fix it.