.Where(p => p.EndTime.Value < endTime) .OrderByDescending(p => p.EndTime.Value) .FirstOrDefault(); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 在VS编辑器中得到结果: 图一: 怎么查询比"2020-11-28 19:01:36.477"的小的数据还能查询到"2020-11-28 19:01:36.477"这条数据?SQLServerProfiler监测SQL...
transactionDate = Convert.ToDateTime("2021-11-10:T10:00:00").ToLocalTime(); var transactions2 = _transactionsRepo.Query() .Where(transaction => transaction.AccountId == pharmacy.AccountId.Value) .Where(transaction => transaction.TransactionDate.Date == transactionDate.Date) .OrderByDescending(...
i also tried this method and its not working dgvUpdatedLearner.Sort(dgvUpdatedLearner.Columns(1), System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending) appreciate your help Thank you and best regards Its ok now. I used this mysql functions. (ORDERBYSTR_TO_DATE(enrolleddate,'%d/%m/%Y %h:%i:%s ...
OrderByDescending(visitDate => visitDate.Visit_Date).ThenBy(visitDate => visitDate.VisitTime) Here 'ThenBy' doesn't break the your primary ordering done by 'OrderByDescending', instead it will do the order on top of that while preserving the previous primary order. ...
var res=_dbContext.TableName.OrderByDescending(x=>x.DateColumnName).ToList(); Accepted Answer 3 Muhammad Imran Ansari 299 6.2k 294.1k Apr 29 2022 8:05 PM Check the following code:SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection("YourConnectionString"); ...
ZeroFill.by_date(myDates, order: :descending)Change the default value of Zero Filled dates (Default is 0) ZeroFill.by_date(myDates, default_value: "Nothing Found!") => All missing dates' values are populated with "Nothing Found"Specify the start date of returned dates. For instance, to ...
Theycansortandrank members in ascendingordescendingorder,bycaption, key or any field they select. evget.com evget.com 他们可以以升序或降序,按标题,关键字或他们选择的任意字段排序和排列成员。 evget.com evget.com Click a column headertosortthelist ascending/descending bydatain this column ...
2019-12-09 17:35 −query = query.OrderByDescending(x => x.CreateDate).ThenBy(x => x.Code.Length).ThenBy(x => x.Code).Skip(param.PageSize * (param.PageIndex - 1... 芝幽幽 0 845 python lambda表达式简单用法【转】 2019-12-07 11:55 −python lambda表达式简单用法 1、lambda是什么...
For eg., in the image we see the tag id 0000004, the order date to be in descending order. I tried doing in power query, to sort order date by tag id but since for 1 tag id multiple order dates are there so it doesn't allow to do so. Is there any othe...
var wt = from w in DB.watertowerlevels group w by w.towerid into g select new { towerid = g.Key, waterlevel = g.FirstOrDefault().waterlevel, updatedtime = g.OrderByDescending(t=>t.updatedtime).FirstOrDefault().updatedtime.ToString() }; Best...