bringingtheactionhavefour months fromthedate ofthedecision of the SRO to file a civilaction. 提起诉讼的一方(您或校区)从 SRO 裁决之日起有四个月的时间提起民事诉讼。 You have ninety (90) calendar ...
interest rate futures that call for a cash settlement at a futuredatefor thedifferencebetween a contracted rate of interest and the current market rate, [...] 遠期利率合約則是經過個別商議達成的利率期貨合約,要求在未 來某一日根據名義本金額按約定利率與市場利率...
The customer must notify Transat Telecom of its intention to terminate the agreement at least 5 days before the nextmonthly billing date. Le client doit aviser Transat Telecom de son intention de mettre fin à l’entente au moins 5 jours avant ladatede lafacturation mensuellesuivante. ...
Applicable datesfor currency exchange rate and interest 货币兑换率和利息的适用日期 UN-2 Letter ofapplication dated# pril # addressed to the President of the International Criminal Court 年# 月 #日给国际刑事法院院长的申请信 MultiUn A secondapplication dated# ovember # was refused in a decision of...
This means that whether you’ve used up your total deductible in the past year or not, at the start of next year, the amount will restart to what is stated in the plan. To better comprehend what a deductible is and how it works, let’s take a look at an example. ...
said wang, adding market volatility is likely to increase next year driven by the trump administration's unpredictable policies and high u.s. stock valuations. "we'll strengthen our hedging positions and maintain cash reserves to take advantage of potential market dips."...
Applying the same criterion, the selectionofthe mostrecentyearas the cut-offdateforHCFC phase-out projects (i.e., 2007) would appeartobemoreconsistent with the underlying principle of decision 17/7 than selection of an earlier year, when alternative technologies for several applications would not ...
The Offering Circular must not be regarded as an inducement to subscribe for or purchase any securities of the Bank, and no such inducement is intended. No investment decision should be made based on the information contained in the Offering Circular. By Order of the Board of Directors China ...
at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and ...
settlementatafuture dateforthe difference between a contracted rate of interest and the current market rate, basedonanotional principal amount. 遠期利率合約則是經過個別商議達成的利率期貨合約,要求在未 來某一日根據名義本金額按約定利率與市場利率的差額進行現金結算。