I run LR 6.9 on Windows 7. I back up my catalog weekly but in my Catalog Settings panel the date of the last backup is shown sometime way back in December. The - 8902714
InvalidDATE,DATETIME, orTIMESTAMPvalues are converted to the “zero” value of the appropriate type ('0000-00-00'or'0000-00-00 00:00:00'), if the SQL mode permits this conversion. 如果SQL 模式允许转换,无效的DATE、DATETIME或TIMESTAMP值会被转换为相应类型的 "零 "值('0000-00-00'或'0000...
Each "step" is tried until the last matching one is found, and that "step" is then used to generate the output. If no matching step was found, then an empty string is returned. An example of "round" style steps: [ { // "second" labels are used for formatting the output. formatAs...
In a request that sets at least two of these properties, the last processed property will determine the value that is set for these elements. For example, if PercentComplete is 100, CompleteDate is January 1, 2007, and Status is NotStarted, and the properties are streamed in that order, ...
LastDeliveryTime LastModifiedName LastModifiedTime LastName LastOccurrence LastResponseTime Latitude LegacyDN LegacyDn (FederatedDirectoryGroupType) LegacyDn (NonEmptyArrayOfLegacyDNsType) LegacyFreeBusyStatus LobbyBypass Location Location (CalendarEventDetails) Location (ReminderMessageDataType) LocationBasedStateDefin...
Use the incrbydate option with the incremental command to back up new and changed files with a modification date later than the last incremental backup stored at the server, unless you exclude the file from backup.
1.每天的下午3,5点,每隔半小时执行一次sync命令#每天的下午3,5点,每隔半小时执行一次sync命令 By:zls*/30 15,17 * * * /usr/bin/sync &>/dev/null2.每天凌晨3点做一次etc目录的备份,打包,备份到/backup目录下需求:将备份命令写入一个脚本中
last(1) lastcomm(1) lbxproxy(1) ld(1) ld(1g) ld.so.1(1) ld86(1) ldapadd(1) ldapdelete(1) ldaplist(1) ldapmodify(1) ldapmodrdn(1) ldapsearch(1) ldd(1) lefty(1) less(1) lessecho(1) lesskey(1) let(1) lex(1) lftp(1) lftpget(1) lgrpinfo(1) libgd2(1) libnetcfg(...
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief Alejandro Mayorkas said last week that border crossings were on track to be the highest in 20 years. CBP announced it had encountered more than 100,000 migrants at the border in February, while numbers of child migrants in custody h...
3. Choose a system image backup to perform the recovery. You can eitherUse the latest available system imageorSelect a system image. 4. If you choose to select a system image in step 3, then, you need to select the location of the backup for the computer you want to restore. If the...