1789, the fall of the Bastille, the French Revolution and Mme.Defarge doing her knitting at the steps of the guillotine was a Number 7 year. The masses decided to improve their lot and overthrow the Ancient Regime of the feudal King and the aristocracy. "They got a going over". 1492, ...
The issue of Calendar reform in Estonia has many similarities with that of Finland. It also was under the Russians with a majority German Lutheran population, and following the Russian Revolution of 1917 Estonia sought more and more to distance itself from the Bolsheviks. The General (clergy-lai...
Yang returned to China as one of the 28 Bolsheviks and originally supported the early communist leader Zhang Guotao, but switched allegiance to Mao's faction during the Long March. He served as a political commissar during the Chinese Civil War and the Second Sino-Japanese War. After the fou...
09-11-08 Today's Highlight in History: On November seventh, 1917, Russia's Bolshevik Revolution took place as forces led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin overthrew the provisional(暂时的) government of Alexander Kerensky. On this date: In 1893, the state of Colora... 共17页/165条 首页 上一...
culture at a given time in history - well, first of all, good luck to you. For example, theOctoberRevolutiontook place in what most of us now callNovember. That's because in Tsar's Russia they still used obsolete Julian calendar until bolsheviks finally adopted Gregorian. Hey thanks, ...
RARE FIRST SEPARATE PRINTING of the controversial 1917 uroki Oktyabry which previously appeared as the preface to the first volume of Trotsky's collected works in October 1924. He wrote this history of the struggle within the Bolshevik Party from February to October 1917 just months after the ...
ANZAC Day, in Australia and New Zealand, holiday (April 25) that commemorates the landing in 1915, during World War I, of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Learn more about the history of ANZAC Day in this arti
New books on Russia tend to focus on the impact and aftermath of the Soviet Union. However, among those that look back to before the Bolshevik Revolution is Chronicle of the Russian Tsars: Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers of Imperial Russia by David Warnes (Thames & Hudson, 19.95 [...