我从数据库中得到一个空日期并像这样在模型中转换为碳对象... protected $dates = array( 'date', } 然后在 Controller 中,我使用 compact('object') 传递对象 但是当我在 Blade 模板中显示 $object->date 时,我得到 '30-11--0001' 并且我想显示 'None' 我试过了 @if ($object->date !== '30-11...
laravel blade HTML {{$invoice->first()->created_at}} Javascript $(document).ready(function() {varlocale = moment.locale('fr');vartheID =document.getElementById("datedisplay");moment(theID).locale(locale).format('ll'); }); I think I don't quite understand how ...
$name=$request->old('name')//Blade helper Diese Regel würdenullzurückgeben, wenn es keine vorherige Eingabe gab. Erweiterte Validierung Laravel bietet eine weitere Methode zum Schreiben von Validierungen, die sogenannten Formularanfragen. Eine Formularanfrage ist eine benutzerdefinierte Anfrageklas...
Level 9 Snapey Posted 4 years ago in blade you can use the Carbon object as it is. You don't need to parse it again. {{$holiday->holiday_date)->format('d-m-Y') }}
MS.date.formatTime( d ) 参数:dDate日期 返回:String格式化后的时间,格式 YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss formatTime 格式化为时间 格式化为时间 MS.date.formatTime( timestamp, format ) 参数:timestampNumber时间戳,单位毫秒 参数:formatString格式化字符串
In my model: 14 hidden itemsLoad more… Still not fixed in 2.0 Nova v1.3.2. This is correctly formatted on index and detail views, but still wrong on edit view. I am using that format in my resource but it isn't being applied to the datepicker field when I want to create an insta...
Laravel library to provide an helper to initialize a single or double DateRangePicker calendar - seblhaire/daterangepickerhelper
$query->whereRaw("DATE_FORMAT(created_at,'%m/%d/%Y') LIKE ?",["%$keyword%"]); }) ->make(true); } returnview('users'); } } Step 6: Create View In Last step, let's create users.blade.php(resources/views/users.blade.php) for layout and we will write design code here and pu...
将字符串从laravel控制器转换为javascript 、 我想要转换从数据库中获取的字符串值,并使用javascript将其转换为视图中的日期变量 我已经尝试了以下代码; var date = moment({!!$cheque->cheque_date !!}).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); 当我通过控制台记录date变量时,我得到了以下结果。1970-01-01 浏览9提问于2019...
$locale = LaravelLocalization::getCurrentLocale();if($locale =='de') {return$date->format('j. F, Y'); }else{return$date->format('jS F, Y'); } } 开发者ID:andreikainer,项目名称:kuj_abol,代码行数:18,代码来源:Pledge.php