32]. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) are the most frequently used stem cells in regenerative medicine, which can be obtained from the bone marrow of non-weight-bearing bones and possess a strong trilineage
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搭平台、建队伍、强监管 全面推进乡村振兴 近年来,山东省蒙阴县供销合作社围绕解决提高农业生产效益和果品产业劳动力短缺双重矛盾,破解果园“谁来管、怎么管”问题,以党组织领办合作社为载体,以开展果园托管服务为抓手,大力推行“保姆式”“菜单式”托管服务,着力提升规模化、集约化、标准化水平,推动了果品产业高...