Corresponding Vacc-4x peptide DTH were expressed as skin infiltrate areas after 48 h.After 14 weeks without HAART, HIV-1 RNA increased to 72,500 copies/ml (median). The Vacc-4x p24 peptide- and HIV-1 p24 protein-induced T-cell proliferation concurrently decreased by 81 and 93% in...
NOTE SUR LA DATE DE LA MORT DU DESPOTE JEAN PALÉOLOGUE LE FRÈRE PUÎNÉ DE MICHEL VIII V. LAURENT/PARIS Une unique source nous a fait connaître à cejourladatedela mort du frère cadet de Michel VIII Paléologue, dont il fut aussi le meilleur général. C'est une chronique ...
The purpose of this review is to briefly highlight the main landmarks of a 117-year period of research on streptococci from 1879 to date at Pasteur Institute. The first historical work in this respect was initiated by Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) himself e