Use the `toUTCString()` method to get the current date and time in UTC, e.g. `new Date().toUTCString()`.
js varbirthday=newDate(1991,9,17);varcopy=newDate();copy.setTime(birthday.getTime()); 测量代码执行时间 连续调用两个新生成的日期对象的 getTime 方法,根据两次调用的返回值求得时间差。这可以用于计算某些操作的执行时间。避免生成不必要的Date对象另见 ...
Toggle history 0.10.0 Toggle history Legend Tip: you can click/tap on a cell for more information. Full support Full support 参见— 提供了精确到亚毫秒(sub-millisecond)的时间戳,用于衡量网页性能。 console.time/console.timeEnd...
console.log('1412846287654毫秒是从1970年到()年经过的:'+YearFromTime(1412846287654)); //给一个毫秒数,看他从1970年经过了..年,现在是几几年,这个年份是不是闰年 functionInLeapYear(t){ return(DaysInYear(YearFromTime(t))===366)?true:false; } console.log('从1970年经过946684800000毫秒后的这一年...
If you have a JavaScriptDateobject, callingsplitDateTimewill extract separate plain-date and plain-time objects for a giventimezone: // Sweden is at UTC+2 in June, so this `Date` represents 13:37 wall-time thereconstaJsDate=newDate("2023-06-06T13:37+0200");const[june6,time1337]=split...
IANA time zone names intimeZoneoption 24 Toggle history 14 Toggle history 52 Toggle history 15 Toggle history 7 Toggle history 25 Toggle history 56 Toggle history 14 Toggle history 7 Toggle history 1.5 Toggle history 4.4 Toggle history 7
If you have a JavaScriptDateobject, callingsplitDateTimewill extract separate plain-date and plain-time objects for a giventimezone: // Sweden is at UTC+2 in June, so this `Date` represents 13:37 wall-time thereconstaJsDate=newDate("2023-06-06T13:37+0200");const[june6,time1337]=split...
// Date Time String Format:constdtsfStandard=Date.parse('1995-12-04T00:12:00Z');console.log(dtsfStandard)// Date Time String Format with spaces:constdtsfSpaces=Date.parse('1995 12 04 00:12:00Z');console.log(dtsfSpaces)// Other possible formats:… ...
描述 使用setTime 方法用来把一个日期时间赋值给另一个 Date 对象。 示例 示例:使用setTime theBigDay = new Date("July 1, 1999"); sameAsBigDay = new Date(); sameAsBigDay.setTime(theBigDay.getTime()); 规范 Specification ECMAScript Language Specification # sec-date.prototype.settime ...
Every time. What is the expected behavior? node -e 'let d= new Date(Date.UTC(1111,11,11,11,11,11,110)); console.log(d.toLocaleString()); console.log(d.getMonth());' 1111-11-11T11:11:11.11Z 11 What do you see instead? The string gives a month +1, but the getMonth is corre...