Date·A·Live Encore 11 --- 作者:橘公司 插图:つなこ 图源:混沌圣歌(文库本),xobao2(杂志) 扫图:よよカービィ(文库本),xobao2(杂志) 翻译:混沌圣歌(Date·A·Playback,十香graduation,八舞triad,五河partner,七罪election,精灵stranger,后记),日向龍ノ介(精灵stranger,澪origin) 润校:混沌圣歌 二校...
The story begins 30 years after a series of Spacequakes that were caused by Spirits. Shido encounters one and learns that he has the ability to seal away a Spirits powers. Shido is determined to save the world, and the Spirits, with the power of love Cho
30 years after a series of deadly Spacequakes caused by entities known as Spirits, Shido, an average student, learns that he has the ability to seal away a Spirits powers with the power of love Pick from 11 characters and over 150 dating events The choi
在此为各位奉上久违的短篇集《Date·A·Live Encore 11》。大家觉得如何呢。如果能让大家喜欢就再好不过了。 这本书出版的时候,动画《Date·A·Live IV》大概也已经进入佳境了吧。 哎呀……这可是第四季哦,第四季。我的心愿实现了,二亚和六喰也在动画里出场了。这下所有精灵都有了声音。嘛,准确的说还存在...
DATE A LIIVE 约会大作战 (11) 恶魔鸢一限定版◎限定版售价:NT$870◎限定版上市日: 2015 年 6月 27 日◎普通版上市日: 2015 年 7月 24 日◎限定版商品内容:★《DATE A LIVE 约会大作战》第十一集小说(闪亮版书衣)※其他内容与普通版相同★动画版「约会大作战Ⅱ」狂三横式挂轴※不附上下杆...
Get the best deals on DATE A LIVE: Rio Reincarnation / デート・ア・ライブ 凜緒リンカーネイション HD / 約會大作戰 Steam Key GLOBAL at the most attractive prices on the market. Don’t overpay – buy cheap on G2A.COM!
Choose Your Fate and Find a Date– Immerse yourself in the world ofDATE A LIVE, where Shido has the option to pick from 11 characters and over 150 dating events! Need a break from dating? Get to know theRio Reincarnationexclusive character, Rio Sonogami, and even talk with 10 other sub...
Date A Liv..收录短篇:Date a interview Heroineside 我的<修女>不可能那么极品 Date·A·Live 日历短篇 我们仍未接受那天被起的暂定识别名 Legend•of•真那 富
在昨天开催的《约会大作战》主题活动“Date A Fes II”上,官方宣布了《Date A Live》剧场版制作决定的消息,并且将会于2015年夏季正式上映。让不少粉丝欢呼雀跃。前几天刚刚看完《Date A Live》第二季的TV未放送11话,被狂三感动的稀里哗啦的人,这下又有机会见到抖S女王了。
Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:49 DATE 2024 Awards EDAA Achievement Award 2024 Ingrid Verbauwhede, KU Leuven, BE IEEE CEDA Service Award Ian O’Connor, École Centrale de Lyon, FR IEEE CS TTTC Outstanding ...