The Buttons extension for DataTables provides a common set of options, API methods and styling to display buttons on a page that will interact with a DataTable. It also provides plug-ins for file export (HTML5 and Flash), print view and column visibility. Other libraries, such as Editor ...
and return removed items.export_columns.splice(colNum_detailsOnlyForShow,1);/*table instance init*/table=$('#table').DataTable({//..."ajax":{"url":url},// get data by ajax"dom":"<'row'<'col-md-1'B><'col-md-
首先是表格配置,非常重要的是,其中有一个配置项“fnServerData:”你是哪里也查不到的,只在吾辈前端中口口相传(也可能是插件之类?),配置它的回调函数便可以实现分页: 1$('#alarmList').DataTable( {2"sDom": "<'exportOptions'T><'table-responsive't><'row'>",3"bDestory":true,4"scrollCollapse":t...
Landing Page with Buttons to Export DataTables Data This is the code for the landing page of this example. It contains the DataTables library and includes to initializes it with the options to enable theexportfeature. It shows the HTML table markup which will be converted into a DataTable b...
在Datatables中导出到Excel的工作正常。buttons: ['copy', 'excel', 'print'] }); 但是,如果我使用$("#field2").text("text here");通过jquery更新表内容,那么信息就会显示在数据表中,但是当我按下Excel按钮时,它会导出原来列<em 浏览0提问于2018-08-16得票数 0 ...
DataTable( { dom: 'Bfrtip', columns: [ { data: 'name' }, { data: 'surname' }, { data: 'position' }, { data: 'office' }, { data: 'salary' } ], buttons: [ { extend: 'excelHtml5', exportOptions: { orthogonal: 'export' } } ] } ); Fiddle javascript jquery datatables ...
Buttons The Buttons extension for DataTables provides a common set of options, API methods and styling to display buttons on a page that will interact with a DataTable. Modules are also provided for data export, printing and column visibility control. ...
buttons: [ { extend: 'excel', footer: true, title: 'INFORME DE VENTAS POR FAMILIA', text: '', titleAttr: 'Exporta a EXCEL', } ] }); But it doesn't convert the numeric data, and the header and footer texts are not formatted as bold. They are exported in Excel as stri...