dt.Rows.Add("Suzanne Mathews") dt.Rows.Add("Robert Schidner")DimnamesAsString() = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(r) r("Name").ToString()).ToArray()
Here I will explain how to convertasp.netdatatable toJSONstring inC#,VB.NETor How to getJSONstring from Datatable ininC#,VB.NET Description: In previous posts I explainedconvert datatable to xml in asp.net,Convert datatable/dataset to arraylist,convert xml string to datatable in c#,asp.n...
Re: Get a column value from a datatable as a string Here's a clue: Code: Dim filter = String.Format("SomeColumn > {0}", row("Related")) Why is my data not saved to my database? | MSDN Data Walkthroughs VBForums Database Development FAQ My CodeBank Submissions: VB | C# My ...