; } 这个用来更新数据就很爽了,或者你用window.location.reload来更新整个页面,重新获取后台的数据初始化表格来刷新页面。其他的单纯刷新datatable方法也有就是table.draw(false)。不过这个会默认翻到第一页,所以我这里才会还有一个; 工作经验:前端报错一定不要着急,...
插入记录: datatable.reload(); $('.m_datatable .m-datatable__pager-nav .m-datatable__pager-link--last')[0].click(); 编辑记录: var currentPage= datatable.getCurrentPage(); datatable.reload(); $('.m_datatable .m-datatable__pager-nav .m-datatable__pager-link').each(function() ...
{}, CONSTANT.DATA_TABLES.DEFAULT_OPTION, { ajax: function (data, callback, settings) {//ajax配置为function,手动调用异步查询 //手动控制遮罩 $wrapper.spinModal(); //封装请求参数 var param = userManage.getQueryCondition(data); $; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 这个用来更新数据就很爽了,或者你用window.location.reload来更新整个页面,重新获取后台的数据初始化表格来刷新页面。其他的单纯刷新datatable方法也有就是table.draw(false)。不过这个会默认翻到第一页,所以我这里才会还有一个; 工作...
'page': 'current' }, }, 'chartset':'utf-8' },{ text: '导出JSON', //自定义按钮 action: function ( e, dt, button, config ) { var data = dt.buttons.exportData(); $.fn.dataTable.fileSave( new Blob( [ JSON.stringify( data ) ] ), 'Export.json' ); } }, { 'extend': ...
How to reload current page in Javascript? How to remove a selected date from a calendar? How to remove CSS class from code behind? How to remove duplicate while importing excel file to table in database. how to remove html code in a textbox How To Remove localhost:XXXXX and set 127.0....
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Detect Browser refresh/ reload button click in all browsers Detect Client LocalTime Zone from C# (Server Side) detect page is refresh or not Detect PDF file is corrupted or not detect the encoding of an Excel file Determine if a string value is an integer or decimal Determine if IIS 32bit...
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Use Ajax pagination can improve data load and display speed and reduce network traffic, improve the customer experience degrees; same time be able to refresh only partially solve when there are multiple data displayed on the page table area, the traditional paging will cause the entire page...