1.构建Dataset 1importos2importrandom3importtorch4fromtorch.utils.dataimportDataset5importtorchvision6importimghdr7fromPILimportImage8importmatplotlib.pyplot as plt91011classMedicalDataset(Dataset):12def__init__(self, root, split, data_ratio=1.0):13self.img_list = list()#self.img_list存储的是所有.j...
shape_aug = torchvision.transforms.RandomResizedCrop( (200, 200), scale=(0.1, 1), ratio=(0.5, 2)) apply(img, shape_aug) 1. 2. 3. 2.2 改变颜色 我们可以改变图像颜色的四个方面:亮度(brightness)、对比度(contrast)、饱和度(saturation)和色调(hue)。 我们随机更改图像的亮度,随机值为原始图像的...
We begin by cloning the YOLO v5 repository and setting up the dependencies required to run YOLO v5. You might need sudo rights to install some of the packages. Info:Experience the power of AI and machine learning with DigitalOcean GPU Droplets. Leverage NVIDIA H100 GPUs to accelerate your AI...
如何清洗、训练集验证集怎么拆分、数据增强策略怎么设计,anchor scale ratio怎么设置。
indicating medium denudation.For structure-hydrothermal gold deposits: the ratio varies from 0.0535 to 3.0801, indicating weak denudation.For structure-hydrothermal antimony deposits: the ratio varies from 0.0535 to 3.0801, indicating weak denudation.The denudation degree affects the denudation of ore bodies...
shape_aug = torchvision.transforms.RandomResizedCrop(200, scale=(0.1, 1), ratio=(0.5, 2)) apply(img, shape_aug) 1. 2. 1.2 变化颜色 另一类增广方法是变化颜色。我们可以从4个方面改变图像的颜色:亮度(brightness)、对比度(contrast)、饱和度(saturation)和色调(hue)。在下面的例子里,我们将图像的亮...
ratio: ratio of the test set with range (0, 1). For example: 0.3. 👉 Example 1 Generate a 3D banana-shaped dataset with 200 and 100 samples for each class, and divide 10% of the data into the test dataset. ocdata = BinaryDataset( 'shape', 'banana',... 'dimensionality', 3,....
Removed images with an aspect ratio greater than 3.0. Removed images with min(width, height) < 200. Removed images with a score of OpenNSFW2 or GantMan/NSFW higher than 0.5. Removed all duplicate images based on the image pHash value from external public datasets. ImageNet-1K/21K, Flick...
Nanocrystalline materials in general are structurally featured by a large density of grain boundaries and large surface/volume ratio, which have attracted significant interest for their unique mechanical, chemical and electronic properties. 1-3 Transmission electron diffraction (TED) is an appropriate ...
(and subsequent analyses) can be found in theafni-smooth/andafni-nosmooth/directories inderivatives/available via DataLad. To smooth the volumetric functional images, we used3dBlurToFWHMin AFNI 19.3.0141,142which iteratively measures the global smoothness (ratio of variance of first differences ...