There are optimal humidity requirements for various agents when airborne. It was the story of the rhinoceros fight all over again. Soil redeposition is evaluated by washing clean swatches with the dirty ones. What a discussion can ensue when the title of this type of song is in question. Mea...
To ensure optimal electrode-to-scalp contact, impedance was maintained below 5 kΩ, minimizing noise interference. The signals were digitized at a sampling rate of 500 Hz. The raw *.cdt files were imported into EEGLAB11 v2023.1 using the loadcurry v3.2.3 plugin. Due to artifacts caused ...
However, optimal data quality can be challenging to achieve without a dedicated government-employed data entry collector in neonatal wards equipped with a designated desktop computer for real-time data input. An example of this strategy’s effectiveness is the scale-up of India’s national SSNC ...
In parallel, the machine learning community has made tremendous advances in natural language processing48,49. Neurally-inspired computational models are beginning to excel at complex linguistic tasks such as word-prediction, summarization, translation, and question-answering50,51. Rather than using symbo...
(NSE*) as the objective function. It has been identified that while optimizing for individual basins, MSE and NSE usually yield the same optimal parameter values37. However, this relationship breaks down when considering multiple basins due to variations in their data characteristics. Specifically, ...
The “Narratives” collection aggregates a variety of functional MRI datasets collected while human subjects listened to naturalistic spoken stories. The current release includes 345 subjects, 891 functional scans, and 27 diverse stories of varying durat
Optimal Geometry for Ultra-wideband Localization using Bayesian Optimization Optimal source geometryultra-widebandtime difference of arrivalBayesian optimizationrobot localizationThis paper introduces a novel algorithm to find a geometric ... W Zhao,M Vukosavljev,AP Schoellig - 《Ifac Papersonline》 被引量...
Optimal Bandwidth Reservation Schedule in Cellular Network. The Origin of Power-Laws in Internet Topologies Revisited. FRM-Based FIR Filters with Minimum Coefficient Sensitivities. Internet search engines: past and future. Oscillations with TCP-Like Flow Control in Networks of Queues. "Design, ...
Machine learning models based on Random Forest, SVM, and K-Means have been developed to predict geometrical accuracy of the build21, define optimal deposition conditions22, and segment microstructural porosity23. Furthermore, by combining data from multiple sensors, a multimodal approach has shown ...
the 10-fold cross-validation. The different performance metrics were obtained using a point-to-pixel analysis using PMET-obs as the reference (period 1990–2020). The dotted line in each box plot represents the mean value. The horizontal dotted line in each panel represents the optimal value....