Project Title: Red Wine Quality Analysis Using Regression and Machine Learning Techniques Introduction This project is a comprehensive analysis of the Red Wine dataset obtained from Kaggle, conducted as part of the Regression Analysis subject in the 3rd year, 6th semester of my academic curriculum. ...
pythonmachine-learningalgorithmslinear-regressionjupyter-notebookpython3logistic-regressionunsupervised-learningwine-qualitymachine-learning-tutorialstitanic-datasetxor-neural-networkheadbrain-datasetrandom-forest-mnistpca-titanic-dataset UpdatedNov 20, 2022
1、输入变量(基于物理化学测试): White Wine Quality白葡萄酒品质数据集的下载 UCI数据集下载:UCI Machine Learning Repository: Wine Quality Data Set 数据集下载:White Wine Quality | Kaggle White Wine Quality白葡萄酒品质数据集的使用方法 ML之回归预测之Lasso:利用Lasso...
1、输入变量(基于物理化学测试): White Wine Quality白葡萄酒品质数据集的下载 UCI数据集下载:UCI Machine Learning Repository: Wine Quality Data Set 数据集下载:White Wine Quality | Kaggle White Wine Quality白葡萄酒品质数据集的使用方法 ML之回归预测之Lasso:利用Lasso算法对红酒品质wine数据集实现红酒口感评分...
来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 15 作者: A Ali 摘要: The data in this sheet retrieved and collected from Kaggle by Perera (2018) for Boston. Housing Dataset, which was derived from by U.S. Census Service concerning housing in the area of Boston, MA. 年份: 2020 ...
White Wine Quality白葡萄酒品质数据集,经常被用于回归或分类建模的简单而干净的练习数据集。 这两个数据集与葡萄牙“Vinho Verde”葡萄酒的红色和白色变种有关。由于隐私和逻辑问题,只有物理化学(输入)和感官(输出)变量可用(例如,没有关于葡萄类型、葡萄酒品牌、葡萄酒售价等的数据)。
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This dataset is also available from Kaggle & UCI machine learning repository, Objective: Understand the Dataset & cleanup (if required). Build classification models to predict the wine quality. Also fine-tune the hyperparameters & compare the...
Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. Learn more OK, Got it. Something went wrong and this page crashed! If the issue persists, it's likely a problem on our side. Unexpected end of JSON inputkeyboard_arrow_upcontent_...
(a dense dataset with a large number of users but small number of jokes). These and other datasets may be found in scientific publications, and there are very few references to the wine domain. Some of them may be found in repositories such as Kaggle Datasets [8] and GitHub Data ...